Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Our vision

Togeth­er, cre­at­ing health and pros­per­i­ty for all.

Our vision for healthcare in South Australia

Imagine a health system where people are truly at the centre. Imagine a health system where:

  • everyone has access to the latest evidence and data to make the best decisions
  • innovation is encouraged and it is safe to think big and try new things
  • no task is done in isolation but instead achieved through partnership and collaboration.

Together, creating health and prosperity for all.

Our values


We cultivate curiosity about others and actively challenge bias.


We are inclusive, share, and leverage the power of diversity.


We celebrate success, learn from mistakes and failure, and actively seek feedback.

And we take ownership and responsibility for outcomes, words and actions.

We are hands-on, ideas-driven, and evidence-based.

Our values ensure that we contribute to the ongoing cultural evolution of the public sector. For more information visit Office for the Public Sector.

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