Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Certified Health Informatician Australasia

Clin­i­cal Infor­mat­ics is look­ing at a range of capa­bil­i­ty build­ing enablers. One of these is through spon­sor­ship and sup­port of health staff in South Australia to under­take the Cer­ti­fied Health Infor­mati­cian Aus­trala­sia certificate.

What is CHIA?

CHIA is a pro­fes­sion­al cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­gram in health infor­mat­ics man­aged by the Aus­tralasian Insti­tute of Dig­i­tal Health (AIDH). CHIA formally recognises the knowledge and skills of those working in health informatics and digital health.

CHIA is bestowed on those individuals who successfully complete the CHIA exam. The examination covers a wide range of topics, within six domains of competence considered essential to a health informatician in Australasia.

The pro­gram is aimed at work­ers across health infor­mat­ics and infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy roles, and once cer­ti­fied, par­tic­i­pants can demon­strate exper­tise in health infor­mat­ics princi­ples, con­cepts, meth­ods and skills, with the abil­i­ty to apply these in the workplace.

What is the current state of sponsorship?

Applications are now open for CHIA and Digital Health 01, closing 9 July 2024.

For more information and to apply, see Apply for CHIA and Digital Health 101.