Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Resources and tools

Resources and tools to support the healthcare sector plan, collaboate and deliver excellence across South Australia.

CEIH Project Life­cy­cle

The CEIH Project Life­cy­cle has been co-designed as a roadmap to help guide you through the phas­es of a project, from ​‘Dis­cov­ery’ to ​‘Clo­sure’.

The Project Life­cy­cle also includes a selec­tion of sug­gest­ed tools and tem­plates to guide your projects through each phase, ensur­ing they align to strate­gic goals and allow for con­tin­u­al reflec­tion and review.

To read more and access the Project Lifecycle and tools, see The CEIH Project Lifecycle.

CEIH Partnership Cycle and tools

Part­ner­ships are inte­gral to our work, bring­ing togeth­er dif­fer­ent organ­i­sa­tions and stake­hold­ers with a shared goal.

To sup­port the South Aus­tralian health­care sec­tor, we're shar­ing our Part­ner­ship Approach and sup­port­ing tools for oth­er organ­i­sa­tions to use, to create col­lab­o­ra­tive part­ner­ships that deliv­er excep­tion­al out­comes.

To read more and access the Partnership Cycle and tools, see Partnership approach and tools.

CEIH Creating a Cul­ture of Inno­va­tion

Inno­va­tion plays a critical role in the improve­ment of care, as we col­lec­tive­ly strive for excellence in the quality of care and healthcare outcomes.

We've developed a Guide and Discussion Paper that explore the con­cept of Inno­va­tion, highlight some of the issues to con­sid­er when con­sid­er­ing adopt­ing a cul­ture of innovation, and the ben­e­fit innovation deliv­ers for the health­care system.

To read the Guide and Discussion Paper, see Innovation.

CEIH Data Visualisation Style and Best Practice Guide

We've developed a guide to help you design visualisations that tell a data story and enable auidences to make informed, data-driven decisions.

The guide will help you to understand your audience, choose the right chart, use fonts designed for readability, high­light what’s important, and make charts accessible.

To read the Guide and see Data Visualisation Style and Best Practice Guide.

CEIH Strengthening Workplace Wellbeing

We know that our people are critical to the effectiveness and sustainability of our healthcare system and, ultimately, our patient outcomes. As such, the CEIH has used the evidence base and understanding of the SA context to identify critical areas for action and develop resources to assist the sector in strengthening workplace wellbeing.

To learn more about our work in this space, see Strengthening Workplace Wellbeing.

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