Our Strategic Direction 2024 - 2027
Our priorities

Equitable access to care
Design systems that reduce variation in experience and outcomes of care.
Empowered consumers
Engage consumers, carers and community in design, delivery and evaluation of services.
Environmental sustainability
Reduce system impact on climate change and identify opportunities to adapt to its impact.
Workforce sustainability
Advocate for safe healthy, thriving workplaces and facilitate a system level approach to workplace wellbeing.
Economic prosperity
Contribute to improvement in the social gradient and its impact on health outcomes.
Our approach

Grow networks and partnerships
We bring people together to solve problems, connecting clinicians, consumers and the community so that they can achieve ‘better’ together.
Deliver insights
We use a data driven approach to facilitate discussions, understand impact, deliver insight and, generate action.
Provide advice and consultation
We provide advice, encourage different ways of thinking and facilitate safe spaces to be creative.
Enable system improvement and innovation
We seek creative solutions to drive excellence and innovation in practice.
Build capability
We create opportunities for people to learn new skills and support the mindsets that allow innovation and research to happen.
Download our Strategic Direction for 2024 - 2027 (2.5 MB, PDF).