Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health



My name is Aeisha, I joined YAG because I’m pas­sion­ate about improv­ing health­care in South Aus­tralia. I believe that every­one should have equal access to ade­quate ser­vices designed to assist them in their health and med­ical needs. I’m excit­ed to con­tribute to ini­tia­tives that improve young peo­ple’s health­care expe­ri­ences and expand my knowl­edge of the South Aus­tralian health system.

As I near the end of my high school jour­ney, my top pri­or­i­ty is to ful­fill my ambi­tion of pur­su­ing a career in med­i­cine. How­ev­er, in my leisure time, I val­ue spend­ing qual­i­ty moments with my fam­i­ly, espe­cial­ly my younger sis­ter. Along with my aca­d­e­m­ic pur­suits, I’m also ded­i­cat­ed to per­son­al growth and mak­ing a dif­fer­ence in my com­mu­ni­ty, which I ful­fill by par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Aus­tralian Army Cadets and Surf Life Sav­ing. I love explor­ing the great out­doors through camp­ing and 4×4 dri­ving with my Mit­subishi Tri­ton. I also have a keen inter­est in trav­el­ing and immers­ing myself in dif­fer­ent cul­tures, which allows me to expand my world­view and meet peo­ple from diverse backgrounds. 

Work­ing on the Ado­les­cent Tran­si­tion Care Frame­work with CEIH and ATC­SCN is an excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty for me to con­tribute to improv­ing the health­care expe­ri­ence for young peo­ple in South Aus­tralia. I am thrilled to be a part of a team that is ded­i­cat­ed to devel­op­ing a com­pre­hen­sive frame­work that will enhance the con­ti­nu­ity of care and ensure a smooth tran­si­tion for these vul­ner­a­ble groups.

Dr Peter Allcroft

Palliative Care Statewide Clinical Network Co-Lead

BMBS FRACP M Palliative Care

Dr Peter All­croft is a Senior Staff Spe­cial­ist at South­ern Ade­laide Pal­lia­tive Ser­vices, based at Flinders Med­ical Cen­tre South Aus­tralia. He ini­tial­ly trained in Res­pi­ra­to­ry and Sleep Med­i­cine, com­plet­ed his Mas­ters of Pal­lia­tive Care at Flinders Uni­ver­si­ty, and is cur­rent­ly under­tak­ing a PhD at UTS, explor­ing the unmet pal­lia­tive care needs of frail old­er patients with heart fail­ure. He is active­ly involved with clin­i­cal teach­ing and research pro­grams. He has an inter­est in Mod­els of Pal­lia­tive Care for patients with com­plex chron­ic med­ical con­di­tions. He co-found­ed the Motor Neu­rone Dis­ease Clin­ic which is based at Flinders Med­ical Cen­tre, and is the Deputy Chair of the Motor Neu­rone Dis­ease Asso­ci­a­tion of South Australia.

Dr Jemma Anderson

Adolescent Transition Care Statewide Clinical Network Clinical Co-Lead

Staff Specialist and Medical Unit Head, Adolescent Ward, Women's and Children's Hospital

Dr Jem­ma Ander­son is a staff spe­cial­ist and med­ical unit head of the ado­les­cent ward at the Wom­en’s and Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal and the first Ado­les­cent Physi­cian in South Aus­tralia. She also holds a spe­cial­ist qual­i­fi­ca­tion in Pae­di­atric Endocrinol­o­gy and is a senior lec­tur­er with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ade­laide. She is the cur­rent edi­tor for ado­les­cent med­i­cine with the Jour­nal of Pae­di­atrics and Child Health. Jem­ma has a long­stand­ing pas­sion for sup­port­ing healthy ado­les­cent devel­op­ment and is com­mit­ted to com­mu­ni­ty and youth engage­ment in devel­op­ing mod­els of care and research for young peo­ple. She is the lead for Pae­di­atric Eat­ing Dis­or­ders and Gen­der Med­i­cine at the Wom­en’s and Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal and has a spe­cial inter­est in sup­port­ing and empow­er­ing young peo­ple in their tran­si­tion across health services. 

Professor Christopher Barnett

Clin­i­cal Genomics Statewide Clin­i­cal Net­work Clinical Lead

Clinical Geneticist

Prof Christo­pher Bar­nett has dual fel­low­ships in neonatal/​perinatal med­i­cine, clin­i­cal genet­ics and is the head of the Pae­di­atric and Repro­duc­tive Genet­ics Unit at the Wom­en’s and Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal in Ade­laide. He is the lead of the NHM­RC fund­ed Genom­ic Autop­sy Project and on the expert advi­so­ry com­mit­tee of the Genomics Health Futures Mis­sion. Christo­pher trained at the Wom­en’s and Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal in Ade­laide and at The Hos­pi­tal for Sick Chil­dren in Toron­to. He has research inter­ests in pre­na­tal genet­ics, fetal pathol­o­gy and rare child­hood diseases.

Caroline Bartle

Implementation Manager, Statewide Patient Reported Measures Program

Car­o­line has worked with­in SA Health as a Clin­i­cal Dietit­ian and for the Sun­rise EMR Project, giv­ing her unique per­spec­tives on patient-cen­tred care, stake­hold­er engage­ment and change man­age­ment. She has post-grad­u­ate qual­i­fi­ca­tions in Health Eco­nom­ics and Pub­lic Health. Car­o­line is pas­sion­ate about health equal­i­ty, heavy met­al and the poet­ry of the Wu Tang Clan. On the week­end, Car­o­line loves noth­ing more than cook­ing a roast, hav­ing a glass of red and argu­ing about cur­rent events with her friends and family.


My name is Ben and I real­ly like to charm peo­ple. I have 2 busi­ness­es that I have run for near­ly 4 years, in appar­el and con­tent cre­ation, and I make tough deals. 

Any­thing that is organ­i­sa­tion­al is good for me. 

I am think­ing of becom­ing a guid­ance per­son. I like to ques­tion peo­ple to know more and see how the world works, and I like to believe in peo­ple. My words are not always very good, and I am not always cor­rect in the words I use. 

My per­son­al­i­ty can some­times be chal­leng­ing for oth­ers but I’m just a love­ly guy with a sense of humour, and like every­body I love a good laugh (Tee hee!). I love dogs and have two at present. I am look­ing for­ward to mov­ing into a new house soon. 

Iain Bertram

Senior Data Scientist

Before join­ing The CEIH Iain spent his time using machine learn­ing on extreme­ly big data sets to inves­ti­gate the fun­da­men­tal prop­er­ties of the Uni­verse, such as the struc­ture of the pro­ton, Why is the uni­verse made of mat­ter instead of anti­mat­ter?”, and is there some­thing weird lurk­ing just beyond reach. Iain is now using this expe­ri­ence to use machine learn­ing to improve health out­comes in South Aus­tralia. Away from the office, Iain enjoys walk­ing in the Ade­laide Hills, los­ing him­self in a good book, and deli­cious food.

Katie Billing

Executive Director Consumer and Clinical Partnerships

Katie has worked in the health sec­tor in SA for over 20 years as a nurse in ED, gen­er­al areas and aged care. She has also worked in clin­i­cal lead­er­ship and led major sys­tem change includ­ing hos­pi­tal rede­vel­op­ment and eMR projects. Her pas­sions include well designed process­es, good gov­er­nance, build­ing equi­ty into the sys­tem, wine and choco­late, but she will def­i­nite­ly take a pass on liquorice.

Jodie Bowman

Principal Project Officer – Workforce Wellbeing Partnerships

Jodie Bow­man is a reg­is­tered nurse with 30 years of expe­ri­ence in nurs­ing prac­tice and clin­i­cal lead­er­ship. Her back­ground spans health pro­mo­tion, nurs­ing infor­mat­ics, ros­ter­ing, aged care man­age­ment, and serv­ing as a direc­tor of nurs­ing across a num­ber of coun­try hos­pi­tals. After relo­cat­ing to Ade­laide, she joined CEIH’s work­force well­be­ing part­ner­ships team, tack­ling process­es and actions to pro­tect and pro­mote the well­be­ing of health­care staff. Jodie has recent­ly deep­ened her exper­tise in good work design, apply­ing these prin­ci­ples to the health sec­tor. Out­side of work, she enjoys walk­ing her dogs, spend­ing time with fam­i­ly, and fol­low­ing sports.

Associate Professor Christine Burdeniuk

Cardiac Care Statewide Clinical Network Clinical Lead


Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor Chris­tine Bur­de­niuk is a Senior Staff Car­di­ol­o­gist at SAL­HN, bring­ing a wealth of expe­ri­ence and exper­tise to this role, hav­ing ded­i­cat­ed many years to advanc­ing car­diac care through her clin­i­cal prac­tice, edu­ca­tion and research. 

Her com­mit­ment to improv­ing patient out­comes and her inno­v­a­tive approach to car­diac care will be invalu­able as she embarks on a new jour­ney as Clin­i­cal Lead for the network. 

Since 2009 Chris­tine has been pro­vid­ing care to patients with advanced heart fail­ure and pul­monary arte­r­i­al hyper­ten­sion through­out SAL­HN and estab­lished a ter­tiary lev­el heart fail­ure ser­vice in Mt Gambier.

She has worked with the CAL­HN Cen­tre of Advanced Heart and Lung dis­ease as the Car­diac Lead to devel­op and stan­dard­ise the man­age­ment of advanced heart fail­ure and heart trans­plant patients in CALHN

She is active­ly involved in deliv­er­ing edu­ca­tion on a broad range of car­diac relat­ed top­ics, and is involved in heart fail­ure clin­i­cal tri­als and Aus­tralian heart fail­ure guidelines.

Chris­tine strong­ly believes it is impor­tant to focus on the ear­ly detec­tion of car­diac dis­ease and opti­mi­sa­tion of car­diac risk fac­tor con­trol to pre­vent and min­imise the devel­op­ment of heart failure. 

Professor Anne Burke

Chronic Pain Statewide Clinical Network Lead

Clinical and Health Psychologist

Anne is a reg­is­tered Psy­chol­o­gist with dual endorse­ment in the area of Clin­i­cal and Health Psy­chol­o­gy. With over 20 years of expe­ri­ence in the health ser­vice deliv­ery, she has a proven track record of ser­vice inno­va­tion and clin­i­cal­ly focussed research.

Anne is a Past Pres­i­dent of the Aus­tralian Pain Soci­ety (20192021) and a Clin­i­cal Pro­fes­sor with The Uni­ver­si­ty of Ade­laide. She is also the Co-Direc­­­tor of Psy­chol­o­gy and Allied Health Lead — Sur­gery 3 in Cen­tral Ade­laide Local Health Network.

Anne has a strong inter­est in trans­la­tion­al research and is keen for health sys­tem infor­ma­tion to be lever­aged more effec­tive­ly to sup­port sus­tain­able improve­ments in health­care delivery.

Justin Chai

Project Manager

Justin is a neu­ro­log­i­cal phys­io­ther­a­pist with over a decade of expe­ri­ence work­ing in clin­i­cal reha­bil­i­ta­tion and more recent­ly in oper­a­tional man­age­ment with SA Health. He is pas­sion­ate about embrac­ing inno­v­a­tive ways to address the myr­i­ad of chal­lenges fac­ing the health sys­tem to ulti­mate­ly effect sus­tain­able, scal­able and pos­i­tive change to patient health out­comes. His oth­er work inter­ests also include lead­er­ship mod­els, high-per­for­mance work sys­tems and strate­gies to facil­i­tate effec­tive organ­i­sa­tion­al change. Out­side of work, he enjoys film, music and videog­ra­phy; cook­ing and gas­tron­o­my; and shar­ing life with fam­i­ly and friends.

Hannah Cunningham

Implementation Manager

Han­nah is a ded­i­cat­ed Reg­is­tered Nurse and Mid­wife with a rich back­ground in clin­i­cal roles across Lime­stone Coast LHN and SAL­HN. With exten­sive expe­ri­ence in health­care, Han­nah most recent­ly worked as a Busi­ness Change Con­sul­tant on the Sun­rise EMR Project, con­tribut­ing to the imple­men­ta­tion of Elec­tron­ic Med­ical Records across SA Health. Han­nah is pas­sion­ate about nurs­ing and mid­wifery, advo­cat­ing strong­ly for patient-cen­tred care and con­tin­u­al­ly striv­ing to enhance health­care out­comes. Out­side of work, she finds joy in spend­ing qual­i­ty time with fam­i­ly and friends, music, good food and wine, and going to the movies.

Marc Currie

Implementation Manager, Statewide Patient Reported Measures Program

Marc has expe­ri­ence as a Gen­er­al and Men­tal Health Nurse in clin­i­cal, qual­i­ty and man­age­ment posi­tions. He has been exten­sive­ly involved in the imple­men­ta­tion and ongo­ing devel­op­ment of clin­i­cal infor­ma­tion sys­tems, out­come mea­sures, ana­lyt­ics and sys­tem / ser­vice inte­gra­tion for men­tal health over the past 20 years and was the SA juris­dic­tion­al rep­re­sen­ta­tive for Men­tal Health Infor­ma­tion strat­e­gy for the past 9. Marc is look­ing for­ward to focus­ing on the con­sumer voice as part of the PRMs pro­gram. Marc has been to Japan more times than he can count and is still seek­ing to craft the per­fect ricot­ta salata.

Lou de Booij

Project Manager

Lou has worked in Health­care for over 17 years. She under­took her nurs­ing train­ing in The Nether­lands, then packed up and moved to Aus­tralia. Her wide range of nurs­ing expe­ri­ence includes aged‑, sur­gi­cal- and acute care but Lou spent most of her career in the emer­gency depart­ment. In 2017, she jumped ship to the Out­pa­tient care set­ting where she stream­lined refer­ral man­age­ment process­es and worked as a Project Man­ag­er. Lou has a strong pas­sion to dri­ve inno­va­tion in health­care to improve qual­i­ty of care pro­vid­ed, stream­line care path­ways which will enable a pos­i­tive health care expe­ri­ence for the con­sumer and empow­er­ing con­sumers to feel they are in charge of their health. Lou is a well-estab­lished yogi, she loves to be active and out­doors, prefer­ably climb­ing a rock or two and spend time with her fam­i­ly and friends. 

Kelly Donnellan

Program Director - Statewide Patient Reported Measures (PRM)

Kel­ly is a phys­io­ther­a­pist with over two decades of clin­i­cal expe­ri­ence, work­ing across Ade­laide, region­al Vic­to­ria, and the UK. With a strong back­ground in project man­age­ment, she is pas­sion­ate about val­ues-based health­care and the trans­for­ma­tive impact of the PRM pro­gram. By tru­ly putting the patient at the cen­tre, and empow­er­ing indi­vid­u­als to engage in shared deci­sion-mak­ing with their clin­i­cians, this leads to bet­ter health out­comes. Always up for a chal­lenge — whether it’s dri­ving sys­tem-wide improve­ments or per­fect­ing a golf swing — Kel­ly loves all things sport and the beach, espe­cial­ly when the two can be combined.

Zora Doukas

Business Operations Manager

Zora has almost 2 decades expe­ri­ence in the pub­lic sec­tor, most­ly in Min­is­te­r­i­al Offices and man­age­ment roles. She has a pas­sion for estab­lish­ing excel­lent busi­ness struc­ture and effec­tive process­es that are stream­lined and achieve out­comes. Zora also loves work­ing with peo­ple and cre­at­ing pos­i­tive team cul­ture. Out­side of work Zora has a pas­sion for music, trav­el, cook­ing (need­less to say has a sweet-tooth) and vol­un­teers her time on com­mu­ni­ty radio which she finds reward­ing and fun.


Hi I’m Evie and I joined YAG to spread aware­ness about impor­tant and life alter­ing health issues while aim­ing to improve health­care for all South Aus­tralians, espe­cial­ly dur­ing the pae­di­atric to adult tran­si­tion. Out­side of YAG, I par­take in var­i­ous oth­er advo­ca­cy areas, all to do with health­care and rais­ing aware­ness. Mak­ing a dif­fer­ence in health­care has slow­ly become a pas­sion of mine. 

I enjoy a range of activ­i­ties such as writ­ing, film­mak­ing, singing, trav­el­ling, play­ing gui­tar, play­ing sport and any­thing Biol­o­gy, Eng­lish Lit­er­a­ture and His­to­ry relat­ed how­ev­er a goal of mine is to join the Aus­tralian Defence Force, specif­i­cal­ly the Air Force. How­ev­er due to my Type 1 Dia­betes, this is not an option to me any­more. I hope that by being apart of YAG and mak­ing a dif­fer­ence in health­care through­out South Aus­tralia, my dream of join­ing the Air Force becomes a pos­si­bil­i­ty to me and many oth­er young South Aus­tralians who may be suf­fer­ing from ill­ness and unable to achieve their dreams due to them. 

I hope that being apart of YAG means I can make a dif­fer­ence in the health­care sys­tem, even if it’s just a small dif­fer­ence, which will ulti­mate­ly lead to larg­er changes being made around Australia.

Anthea Hamilton

Implementation Manager, Statewide Patient Reported Measures Program

Anthea’s 15 years in the health sec­tor has includ­ed man­ag­ing a state-wide clin­i­cal net­work, and she has par­tic­u­lar­ly enjoyed work­ing with clin­i­cians and con­sumers in lead­ing ser­vice improve­ment projects and see­ing the results of this work. In a pre­vi­ous life Anthea was a con­cert event man­ag­er (there are some amus­ing sto­ries!), but her favourite events these days are vis­it­ing our hills wineries.


Hi, my name is Han­nah Joseph I am 16 years old and cur­rent­ly a year 10 stu­dent at Faith Luther­an Col­lege in the Barossa Val­ley. I am extra­or­di­nar­i­ly grate­ful for the oppor­tu­ni­ty that has been giv­en to be me to be rep­re­sen­ta­tive on the Tran­si­tion­al Health­care Youth Advi­so­ry Group and am an advo­cate for mak­ing sure the voic­es of Youth in the health­care sys­tem are heard. 

I joined the YAG as I feel pas­sion­ate­ly about improv­ing the lives of those nav­i­gat­ing the health­care sys­tem espe­cial­ly in the tran­si­tion from pae­di­atric to adult ser­vices. I was born with a phys­i­cal dis­abil­i­ty called Char­cot Marie Tooth Dis­ease type 3 which has meant I have spent a great por­tion of my life in phys­i­cal and occu­pa­tion­al ther­a­py and as both an inpa­tient and out­pa­tient at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. 

I believe hav­ing these first had expe­ri­ences with­in both pub­lic and pri­vate prac­tice is ben­e­fi­cial to the work the YAG is hop­ing to achieve in help­ing youth nav­i­gate tran­si­tion­al health­care. Some hob­bies of mine also includ­ing debat­ing and pub­lic speak­ing and swim­ming, I now work as an assis­tant swim instruc­tor. I am very much look­ing for­ward to the future of the YAG and the YAG’s impact on the health­care system.

Tina Hardin

Executive Director, Clinical Informatics

Tina Hardin has worked for almost 20 years as a future think­ing data ana­lyst with a pas­sion for using data and tech­nol­o­gy to inform excel­lence in clin­i­cal care. She has led a range of busi­ness intel­li­gence relat­ed projects and has a weak­ness for cats and lasagne, which might make her the human form of Garfield?

Dr Ruth Holmes

Urgent and Emergent Care Statewide Clinical Network Lead


Ruth is a Senior Emer­gency Depart­ment Spe­cial­ist with­in Cen­tral Ade­laide Local Health Net­work and the Statewide Vir­tu­al Care Ser­vice. She grad­u­at­ed from Impe­r­i­al Col­lege Lon­don in 2000 and com­plet­ed her train­ing in Emer­gency Med­i­cine in 2013

Her clin­i­cal expe­ri­ence is broad, hav­ing worked in Emer­gency Depart­ments both in the UK and Aus­tralia. This broad expe­ri­ence has pro­vid­ed her many oppor­tu­ni­ties to observe and be part of dif­fer­ent sys­tems. Ruth’s clin­i­cal inter­ests are var­ied, but all align with her desire to opti­mise patient care with­in our sys­tems, includ­ing Elder­ly Trau­ma, Enhanc­ing cul­tur­al safe­ty with­in Emer­gency Depart­ment and human factors. 

Ruth has always had a pas­sion to see health­care deliv­ered in an effi­cient, com­pas­sion­ate, patient cen­tred manner. 

Kathryn Hourigan

Palliative Care Statewide Clinical Network Co-Lead

Consumer Representative

Kathryn is a con­sumer advo­cate and com­mu­ni­ty leader with a pas­sion for improv­ing health­care. She has exten­sive expe­ri­ence in lead­ing com­mu­ni­ties and advo­cat­ing for the voice of the con­sumer, and she is com­mit­ted to mak­ing health­care more acces­si­ble, afford­able, and equi­table for all.

Kathryn pro­vides a con­sumer voice on many aspects of pal­lia­tive care ser­vices for all South Aus­tralians. She is a mem­ber of the SA Pal­lia­tive Care Nav­i­ga­tion Pilot Steer­ing Com­mit­tee, the Grief and Bereave­ment fea­si­bil­i­ty Project Board and the Pal­lia­tive Care Research Col­lab­o­ra­tion Project Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee led by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ade­laide. She also Co-Chairs the Statewide Pal­lia­tive Care Clin­i­cal Advi­so­ry Committee.

Kathryn has recent­ly con­tributed to the Con­sumer and Com­mu­ni­ty Engage­ment Com­mit­tee for the Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Net­work. She is also a for­mer pre­sid­ing mem­ber of the Hills Area advi­so­ry coun­cil and the regions rep­re­sen­ta­tive on the pre­sid­ing mem­ber pan­el with the for­mer Coun­try Health, South Aus­tralia Local Health Network.

Kathryn is a mem­ber of the Human Research Ethics Com­mit­tee at the Uni­ver­si­ty of South Aus­tralia. She is a for­mer reg­is­tered nurse, has a post­grad­u­ate in busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion, and has a bachelor’s degree in Archi­tec­ture. Kathryn under­took research for the Cen­tre for Health Assets Aus­trala­sia, Fac­ul­ty of the Build Envi­ron­ment, Uni­ver­si­ty of New South Wales where advice was pro­vid­ed to Fed­er­al, all State Gov­ern­ments and the Gov­ern­ment of New Zealand on health facil­i­ty design.

Kathryn’s par­tic­u­lar research inter­est is hos­pice archi­tec­ture and the design of ther­a­peu­tic environments.


I am Iso­bel­la Bar­rett and I am 19 years old. I joined the YAG as I hoped to imple­ment some change in the way care is tran­si­tioned in South Aus­tralia as I have had a dif­fi­cult and neg­a­tive expe­ri­ence with ado­les­cent tran­si­tion myself. I have a pas­sion for all things his­to­ry relat­ed includ­ing his­tor­i­cal dress­mak­ing and the gen­er­al study of his­tor­i­cal clothing.

Cally Jennings

Project Manager

Cal­ly has inter­na­tion­al expe­ri­ence work­ing in health pro­mo­tion with­in gov­ern­ment, aca­d­e­m­ic, and non-gov­ern­ment set­tings. Com­plet­ing a PhD at CQUni­ver­si­ty Aus­tralia in the area of health pro­mo­tion through phys­i­cal activ­i­ty, she has expe­ri­ence work­ing across a vari­ety of health areas, includ­ing men­tal health (youth and adult), alco­hol and oth­er drug, phys­i­cal activ­i­ty, nutri­tion, abo­rig­i­nal health, employ­ment sup­port and home­less­ness. Cal­ly is pas­sion­ate about work­ing in part­ner­ship with con­sumers and stake­hold­ers and embed­ding imple­men­ta­tion research prac­tices into health­care with the aim of dri­ving con­tin­u­ous improve­ments and inno­va­tion. Out­side of work Cal­ly loves spend­ing time with her fam­i­ly, enjoy­ing good food and stay­ing active.

Sarina Kondapuram

Program Support Officer, Statewide Patient Reported Measures Program

Sari­na is new to health but has worked for the Depart­ment of Cor­rec­tion­al Ser­vices since 2016. She has a lot of expe­ri­ence work­ing in pri­vate sec­tor in roles such as project man­age­ment, report­ing and cus­tomer ser­vice. If she isn’t at work, then she loves to trav­el. Sari­na is also our res­i­dent office food­ie who loves cook­ing new dish­es. Any requests?


Hi, my name is Lach­lan. I cur­rent­ly work part-time at a pri­ma­ry school can­teen and as a com­mu­ni­ty researcher in an advi­so­ry group with Flinders University.

I joined YAG so that I could help improve tran­si­tion to adult health ser­vices for future young peo­ple. Hav­ing been in and out of the health care sys­tem with mul­ti­ple chron­ic ill­ness­es since I was a child I have had dif­fi­cul­ties tran­si­tion­ing and would like to share my expe­ri­ences to help make the sys­tem better.


My name is Macken­zie and I’m 22 years old. I decid­ed to join the youth advi­so­ry group because I’ve got lots of expe­ri­ence in the health sys­tem as a patient and as a fam­i­ly mem­ber. I also have lots of friends, fam­i­ly and oth­er con­nec­tions with com­mu­ni­ty groups who have many ideas on how to improve our health­care sys­tem and I want­ed to be able to rep­re­sent them. I am cur­rent­ly not study­ing due to my health, but I enjoy cro­chet and knit­ting, and I absolute­ly love to learn just about any­thing I can.

Katie Maiolo

Networks Program Director

Katie has worked in health for 15 years with the last 12 of those being in SA Health. A nurse manger orig­i­nal­ly, Katie also has a strong back­ground in Elec­tron­ic Med­ical Record (EMR) projects and clin­i­cal data man­age­ment, specif­i­cal­ly in secu­ri­ty and gov­er­nance. Katie has a pas­sion for estab­lish­ing effec­tive process­es that are patient-cen­tred with qual­i­ty out­comes. Out­side of work Katie enjoys water ski­ing on the Mur­ray and gin tastings. 

Keith McNeil


Pro­fes­sor Kei­th McNeil is a health­care pow­er­house with a 42-year career spent on the front­lines of patient care and inno­va­tion.

Kei­th joined us from his posi­tion as Chief Med­ical Offi­cer of Queens­land Health.

He has pre­vi­ous­ly served in a num­ber of senior lead­er­ship roles in the health sec­tor, includ­ing Chief Clin­i­cal Infor­ma­tion Offi­cer roles in the NHS and Queens­land, hos­pi­tal and health ser­vice CEO roles in Queens­land and Cam­bridge UK, and as Act­ing Deputy Direc­tor Gen­er­al of Clin­i­cal Excel­lence Queensland.

Ali Mohtasham

Clinical Informatics Director

Ali is a sea­soned Data Sci­en­tist with over 20 years of expe­ri­ence in the field of busi­ness intel­li­gence, hav­ing worked in both pri­vate and pub­lic sec­tors. For the last 13 years, he has been lead­ing Busi­ness Intel­li­gence teams in the health indus­try, specif­i­cal­ly in SA Ambu­lance Ser­vice and SA Den­tal. Ali holds a dou­ble degree in Com­put­er and Infor­ma­tion Sci­ence and Mul­ti­me­dia Stud­ies from the Uni­ver­si­ty of South Aus­tralia, and a post­grad­u­ate degree in Data Sci­ence from Monash University.

Ali’s exper­tise spans across var­i­ous areas such as busi­ness process, SQL Serv­er inte­gra­tion ser­vices, data ware­house archi­tec­ture and devel­op­ment, Tableau, peo­ple man­age­ment, machine learn­ing, and data analy­sis. He’s a skilled pro­fes­sion­al in the devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of data-dri­ven solu­tions that pro­mote health well­ness and emer­gency services.

Apart from his pro­fes­sion­al pur­suits, Ali is an avid fan of every­thing sci­ence fic­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly Frank Her­bert’s Dune series.

Maxwell Mussared

Data Scientist and Analyst

Max worked at the Depart­ment for Health and Well­be­ing upgrad­ing IT sys­tems and improv­ing data col­lec­tion, report­ing and ana­lyt­ics capa­bil­i­ties. He comes from a back­ground in sta­tis­tics and data sci­ence, hav­ing worked for the Aus­tralian Bureau of Sta­tis­tics devel­op­ing new meth­ods to get the best insights from data, by using sta­tis­ti­cal and machine learn­ing meth­ods. Max is pas­sion­ate about using data to get the best out­comes from our health sys­tem and make a pos­i­tive impact on peo­ple’s lives.

Out­side of work you can find him in the gar­den dig­ging for worms, or out on the rug­by pitch (often face down in the mud, inad­ver­tent­ly dig­ging for worms!).

Georgina Neill

Project Manager

Georgina has worked in health for over 20 years and spe­cialised as a clin­i­cal edu­ca­tor before join­ing SA Health as a pro­gram lead for Can­cer Clin­i­cal Net­work. Join­ing the Part­ner­ships team at CEIH feels like a full cir­cle, thanks to the col­lab­o­ra­tions with researchers, clin­i­cians, and con­sumers. Her pas­sion is for per­son cen­tred care and inter­pro­fes­sion­al edu­ca­tion, a top­ic she also teach­es to med­ical stu­dents, who claim to enjoy her par­ent­ing anec­dotes. Out­side of work, she likes lis­ten­ing to The Cure, vis­it­ing nation­al parks and hol­i­days with friends in Tasmania.

Monica Novick

Partnerships Program Director

Mon­i­ca has over 30 years expe­ri­ence in the health and com­mu­ni­ty sec­tor, work­ing across local, state and com­mon­wealth in health and com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice pol­i­cy, gov­er­nance and reform. She is pas­sion­ate about part­ner­ship, col­lab­o­ra­tion and inte­gra­tion to deliv­er bet­ter out­comes for con­sumers and how we inno­vate and embed change in the won­der­ful­ly chal­leng­ing and com­plex sys­tem that is health. Out­side of work, she enjoys time with her yoga, book read­ing, walk­ing and good eat­ing com­mu­ni­ties of prac­tice and lazy week­ends pre­tend­ing to be a ded­i­cat­ed gar­den­er whilst con­tem­plat­ing where to trav­el next.


My name is Olivia, I am 19 years old and am cur­rent­ly study­ing reg­is­tered nurs­ing at uni­ver­si­ty. I joined the Youth Advi­so­ry Group, hop­ing to use my own expe­ri­ences to improve health care for oth­er young peo­ple in South Australia. 

I was born with birth defects and chron­ic health con­di­tions which has meant I have spent a lot of time receiv­ing med­ical care across pae­di­atric and adult hos­pi­tals and ser­vices. Through these expe­ri­ences, I under­stand how impor­tant a com­pre­hen­sive and respon­sive health­care sys­tem is for peo­ple liv­ing with dis­abil­i­ties and com­plex health con­di­tions. In my free time, I enjoy sup­port­ing the Matil­das and the Euro­pean Women’s Super League. 

I am excit­ed to be a part of the Youth Advi­so­ry Group and have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to advo­cate for young peo­ple in the health­care sys­tem and work on ini­tia­tives that lead to pos­i­tive change. I am espe­cial­ly pas­sion­ate about help­ing to improve care in the tran­si­tion between pae­di­atric and adult ser­vices as well as improv­ing care for young peo­ple with feed­ing tubes. I look for­ward to con­tin­u­ing to be involved in the mean­ing­ful projects that the YAG take on into the future.

Associate Professor Michael Osborn

Can­cer Statewide Clin­i­cal Net­work Clinical Lead

Consultant Oncologist/ Haematologist

Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor Michael Osborn works at the Women’s and Children’s Hos­pi­tal and has also led the South Aus­tralian Youth Can­cer Ser­vice at the Roy­al Ade­laide Hos­pi­tal since its incep­tion in 2011. His main clin­i­cal and research inter­ests are leukaemia in chil­dren, ado­les­cents and young adults (AYA), as well as exer­cise in can­cer, and improv­ing health­care deliv­ery for chil­dren and AYA with can­cer. He was active­ly involved in the devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of Youth Can­cer Ser­vices in Aus­tralia at a nation­al and state lev­el. He is cur­rent­ly the Aus­tralian prin­ci­pal inves­ti­ga­tor for a relapsed acute lym­phoblas­tic leukaemia clin­i­cal tri­al, as well as being involved in a num­ber of oth­er clin­i­cal research stud­ies. Michael is com­mit­ted to work­ing col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly to improve the expe­ri­ence and out­comes for all South Aus­tralians with cancer.

Dr Jenna Paterson

Adolescent Transition Care Statewide Clinical Network Clinical Co-Lead

General and Acute Care Medicine Adult Physician, Northern Adelaide Local Health Network

Dr Jen­na Pater­son is a spe­cial­ist in adult inter­nal med­i­cine and peri­op­er­a­tive med­i­cine. She is cur­rent­ly a staff spe­cial­ist in the Gen­er­al Med­i­cine Unit at the Lyell McEwin Hos­pi­tal and Mod­bury Hos­pi­tal in South Aus­tralia. She has com­plet­ed a Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Ado­les­cent Health and Wel­fare to bet­ter enable her to pro­vide holis­tic and ongo­ing med­ical care to younger patients with com­plex med­ical comor­bidi­ties who are tran­si­tion­ing into the adult health­care sys­tem. She is pas­sion­ate about engag­ing and empow­er­ing young peo­ple in their tran­si­tion across health ser­vices, and in bring­ing the whole health­care team togeth­er to help smooth the often dif­fi­cult and chal­leng­ing move­ment between health sectors.

Scott Pointon

User Interface/Experience Developer

Scott can often be found at the water cool­er talk­ing about the lat­est UX prin­ci­ples to any­one who’ll lis­ten. He brings 20 years of expe­ri­ence in IT, Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Dig­i­tal roles in gov­ern­ment and has deliv­ered a range of suc­cess­ful cus­tomer-first dig­i­tal solu­tions. Whether it’s design­ing a dash­board, web appli­ca­tion, or giv­ing advice on the best tech­nique for bicep curls, Scot­t’s enthu­si­asm and ded­i­ca­tion guar­an­tees he’ll get the best out­comes for his cus­tomers. He puts the you’ in UX.


My name is Roman, and I am 19 and liv­ing in SA. I am cur­rent­ly study­ing a cer­tifi­cate III in lab tech with the aim to work in health­care. I have cho­sen this career path­way and have joined the YAG so that I can help con­tribute to improv­ing health out­comes of young South Australians.

Annie Simpson

Innovation Support Officer

Annie’s pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence is var­ied across sec­tors, most promi­nent­ly in health and med­ical inno­va­tion with­in gov­ern­ment. With a bach­e­lors in health and med­ical sci­ences (advanced) from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ade­laide, and a post grad­u­ate cer­tifi­cate in pub­lic health from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Queens­land, her knowl­edge inter­sects between health, inno­va­tion, and entre­pre­neur­ship. Out­side of work Annie loves going to the beach, sip­ping a glass of wine, and spend­ing time with her very cute cavoo­dle, Scooby.

Bianca Srpek

Executive Support Officer

Bian­ca joins the CEIH team from the Wom­en’s and Chil­dren’s Health Net­work, where she worked as an Admin­is­tra­tion Assis­tant with­in Sur­gi­cal Ser­vices for over three years. Pri­or to this, she start­ed her work­ing jour­ney back in 2017, com­plet­ing a trainee­ship through Jobs 4 Youth and com­menc­ing as a trainee with TechIn­SA. She loves spend­ing her free time with fam­i­ly and friends indulging in a wine or two, as well as vis­it­ing her hol­i­day home on the Yorke Penin­su­la or trav­el­ling to the South East.

Tony Stavrou

Project Manager

Tony has worked in in health sec­tor for 15 years in admin­is­tra­tive, project and man­age­ment roles and is pas­sion­ate about work­ing with oth­ers to improve health in SA. Whilst being an agent for improve­ment and change in his pro­fes­sion­al life, his music tastes haven’t changed since the 1980s, still rock­ing to bands like Whites­nake, Queen, Def Lep­pard and Aerosmith. 

Georgina Szabo

Data Scientist

Pri­or to join­ing CEIH, Georgie worked for the Depart­ment for Cor­rec­tion­al Ser­vices trans­form­ing how they used data to meet key strate­gic and oper­a­tional objec­tives. Before dis­cov­er­ing a love of data and study­ing a Mas­ter of Data Sci­ence, she worked as a Reg­is­tered Nurse across the pub­lic and pri­vate health sec­tors. Her nurs­ing back­ground includes roles in peri­op­er­a­tive and pri­ma­ry health nurs­ing, and her claim to fame is admin­is­ter­ing the 50,000th COVID vac­ci­na­tion at the Wayville vac­ci­na­tion clin­ic, fea­tured in the Adver­tis­er news­pa­per. Georgie is excit­ed to now be com­bin­ing her data sci­ence skills and clin­i­cal back­ground to tack­le the chal­lenges fac­ing the South Aus­tralian health­care sys­tem. Out­side of work she enjoys cook­ing, train­ing for fun runs and buy­ing too many houseplants. 

Sofia Tsoukalas

Project Manager

Sofia has worked in Patient Admin­is­tra­tive (PAS) roles with­in the Pub­lic Health sec­tor for over 20 years, bring­ing expe­ri­ence in Patient Admin­is­tra­tion process­es in areas such as Med­ical Record Man­age­ment, Elec­tive Surgery Man­age­ment and Admit­ted Patient Care. Sofia recent­ly led a Patient Admin­is­tra­tion team as part of the imple­men­ta­tion of the Elec­tron­ic Med­ical Record (EMR) project and has a pas­sion for patient data integri­ty and nur­tur­ing a shared appre­ci­a­tion of its impor­tance. In her per­son­al time, she loves trav­el­ling, shop­ping and spend­ing time with fam­i­ly and friends. 

Joanna Vlachos

Assistant Project Officer

Joan­na has more than a decade expe­ri­ence at SA Health work­ing in project sup­port roles with clin­i­cians and con­sumers in a vari­ety of areas. She is dri­ven by her pas­sion to improve the health and well­be­ing of oth­ers to con­tribute to ser­vice improve­ment projects. She also has a degree in Social Sci­ence and has a pas­sion for improv­ing men­tal health out­comes. Out­side of work she enjoys spend­ing time with fam­i­ly and friends over some good food and a G&T.

Paul Williams

Con­sumer and Com­mu­ni­ty Lead

Paul Williams joins The CEIH as our new Com­mu­ni­ty and Con­sumer Lead. 

Orig­i­nal­ly from The UK, Paul has lived in South Aus­tralia for the last 15 years and has served Australia’s Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment as an Employ­ment Facil­i­ta­tor in the face of the COVID19 pan­dem­ic by tai­lor­ing approach­es to accel­er­ate reskilling, upskilling, and employment. 

As the Chair of The Local Jobs Pro­gram — Jobs and Skills Task­force’ Paul, along with a team of experts, devel­oped a Local Jobs Plan’ which iden­ti­fied work­force needs, job seek­er sup­port and place-based priorities.

His­tor­i­cal­ly, Paul has served The British Car­diac Patients Asso­ci­a­tion as Vice Chair­men to ensure the patient and car­er voice was con­sid­ered when gov­ern­ments and health net­works need­ed to imple­ment change espe­cial­ly when faced with crit­i­cal issues and evi­dence-based programs. 

Paul has sup­port­ed UK cen­tral and devolved gov­ern­ments espe­cial­ly in the design and deliv­ery of Nation­al Ser­vice Frame­works (NSF’s) with the first of these relat­ing to Car­diac Care and lat­er oth­er chron­ic dis­eases such as Dia­betes and Can­cer. These NSF’s iden­ti­fied long term strate­gies for improv­ing spe­cif­ic areas of care. They set nation­al stan­dards, iden­ti­fied key inter­ven­tions, and put in place agreed time scales for implementation.

Paul also cou­pled his qual­i­fi­ca­tions in com­put­er sci­ence and project man­age­ment in 2003 to help cre­ate a proof of con­cept for the Sin­gle Inte­grat­ed Health­care Record, the pre­cur­sor to today’s Local Health and Care Records deliv­ered by the NHS.

Pauls inter­est in health­care stems from his lived expe­ri­ence with Ray, his Dad, who suf­fered from Coro­nary Heart Dis­ease and was the first Patient in The UK to ben­e­fit from and Implantable Car­diac Defib­ril­la­tor and also his Sis­ter Kay who died sud­den­ly aged 34 after being undi­ag­nosed with Pul­monary Hyper­ten­sion.
More recent­ly Paul has been work­ing with fam­i­ly NDIS recip­i­ents and in the UK spe­cial­ist Demen­tia care providers.

Isla Woidt

Manager, Workplace Wellbeing Partnerships

Isla is a work­place health and well­be­ing spe­cial­ist with near­ly 20 years of expe­ri­ence dri­ving change across pub­lic, pri­vate, and non­prof­it sec­tors. With qual­i­fi­ca­tions in pub­lic health, health pro­mo­tion, and busi­ness man­age­ment, she’s pas­sion­ate about cre­at­ing strate­gies that enhance health, safe­ty, and well­be­ing out­comes. Isla played a key role in shap­ing South Australia’s Healthy Work­place Strat­e­gy and estab­lish­ing the SA Col­lab­o­ra­tive Part­ner­ship for Work­place Health and Well­be­ing. Out­side of work, she loves trav­el and beach days with her hus­band, two kids, and their dog, Ella.

Dr Phil Worley

Surgical and Perioperative Care Statewide Clinical Network Clinical Lead

Consultant General Surgeon

Phil Wor­ley orig­i­nal­ly trained and worked as a rur­al GP before under­tak­ing Spe­cial­ist train­ing and spend­ing the last 20 years as a Con­sul­tant Gen­er­al Sur­geon in both the pub­lic and pri­vate systems.

He hopes to improve cross net­work col­lab­o­ra­tion with­in the state’s health sys­tem, and the sur­gi­cal jour­ney of all South Aus­tralians from diag­no­sis to discharge.

Phil recog­nis­es this requires the input and coop­er­a­tion of a broad cross sec­tion of stake­hold­ers and is look­ing for­ward to lead­ing an enthu­si­as­tic and com­mit­ted team to achieve this goal.


I am a young and active health con­sumer advo­cate and rep­re­sen­ta­tive with a CALD back­ground, who has par­tic­i­pat­ed in a vari­ety of health-relat­ed projects con­duct­ed by gov­ern­ment author­i­ties, uni­ver­si­ties, and NGOs. In recog­ni­tion of my vol­un­teer­ing effort to date, I have received var­i­ous acco­lades high­lights of which include being the win­ner of the Glob­al Youth Parliament’s Glob­al Youth Lead­er­ship Award 2022 in Aus­tralia, the rights activism cat­e­go­ry of the Dis­abil­i­ty Lead­er­ship Insti­tute’s Nation­al Awards for Dis­abil­i­ty Lead­er­ship 2022.