Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Clinical Informatics

Iain Bertram

Senior Data Scientist

Before join­ing The CEIH Iain spent his time using machine learn­ing on extreme­ly big data sets to inves­ti­gate the fun­da­men­tal prop­er­ties of the Uni­verse, such as the struc­ture of the pro­ton, Why is the uni­verse made of mat­ter instead of anti­mat­ter?”, and is there some­thing weird lurk­ing just beyond reach. Iain is now using this expe­ri­ence to use machine learn­ing to improve health out­comes in South Aus­tralia. Away from the office, Iain enjoys walk­ing in the Ade­laide Hills, los­ing him­self in a good book, and deli­cious food.

Tina Hardin

Executive Director, Clinical Informatics

Tina Hardin has worked for almost 20 years as a future think­ing data ana­lyst with a pas­sion for using data and tech­nol­o­gy to inform excel­lence in clin­i­cal care. She has led a range of busi­ness intel­li­gence relat­ed projects and has a weak­ness for cats and lasagne, which might make her the human form of Garfield?

Scott Pointon

User Interface/Experience Developer

Scott can often be found at the water cool­er talk­ing about the lat­est UX prin­ci­ples to any­one who’ll lis­ten. He brings 20 years of expe­ri­ence in IT, Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Dig­i­tal roles in gov­ern­ment and has deliv­ered a range of suc­cess­ful cus­tomer-first dig­i­tal solu­tions. Whether it’s design­ing a dash­board, web appli­ca­tion, or giv­ing advice on the best tech­nique for bicep curls, Scot­t’s enthu­si­asm and ded­i­ca­tion guar­an­tees he’ll get the best out­comes for his cus­tomers. He puts the you’ in UX.