Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Adolescent Transition Care Work Streams

The Steering Committee has identified ways to approach its work with a focus on young people and the health system.

Young Person Stream

  • Research what young people need and want
  • Identify what are the barriers to young people accessing services
  • Demonstrate ways to engage with young people authentically
  • Embed opportunities for young people to participate in health service design
  • Bid for Transition services that are lacking for young people
  • Embed individualised health measures that are meaningful to young people.

Health System Stream

  • Identify where and how young people are accessing care
  • Provide education about developmentally appropriate care
  • Advocate that services include young people in decision making, service design, policy etc
  • Improve infrastructure for the transfer of patients
  • Continually measure and evaluate health outcomes.

Success will look like

  • Successful, embedded transition services
  • Services and policy that is inclusive of young people
  • Embedded, system wide, developmentally appropriate care
  • Continuity of care through seamless information flow, referrals and handover etc.
  • Embedded opportunities for young people’s participation in health service design
  • Co-designed young person engagement model
  • Clearly identified and documented adolescent transition care needs
  • Visibility of and ability to intervene about where and how young people are accessing health care.

Adolescent Transition Care Network Vision and Aims Easy Read (581 KB, PDF)