Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Improvement and Innovation Showcase Series 9: Improvement enabled by technology

The showcase is a free, themed webinar series hosted by the CEIH, that brings together integrated South Australian teams to connect, share and explore improvements made in healthcare.

Improvement and Innovation Showcase 24: Telehealth for Dental Emergency Triage

When South Australia was facing the genuine likelihood of COVID lockdowns, a digital health solution was needed to remotely triage dental emergencies, reliably capture patient histories, and deliver emergency specialist dental telehealth consultations. The solution needed to be stood up within days and support rapidly changing COVID protocols.

Hear from Mark Chilvers and Dr Michael Bradley about how they and their team/s converted manual workflows into digital patient pathways, in partnership with Personify Care.

Improve­ment and Inno­va­tion Show­case 25: Omega‑3 Screen-and-Treat Pro­gram in Ear­ly Pregnancy

Pro­fes­sor Maria Makrides, Deputy Direc­tor and Theme Leader for SAHM­RI Women and Kids — presents this project on behalf of the omega‑3 imple­men­ta­tion project.

In part­ner­ship with SA Pathol­o­gy, omega‑3 screen­ing is avail­able to all women with sin­gle­ton preg­nan­cies in SA. Since the pro­gram began in ear­ly May 2021, over 4000 omega‑3 tests have been ordered and report­ed, with cur­rent report­ing at approx­i­mate­ly 100 omega‑3 tests per week.

Improve­ment and Inno­va­tion Show­case 26: Bring your own device

Tom Beat­ty and Simon Wind­sor dis­cuss how tech­nolo­gies have been deployed to sup­port self-reg­is­tra­tion and self-screen­ing at Flinders Med­ical Centre.