Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Improvement and Innovation Showcase Series 8: Ageing Well

Improvement and Innovation Showcase 21: Real­is­ing South Australia’s inno­v­a­tive vision for age­ing well.

We started our eighth Improvement Showcase series with Kathy Williams sharing the inno­v­a­tive projects Office for Age­ing Well is under­tak­ing at the indi­vid­ual, com­mu­ni­ty and sys­temic lev­el to sup­port South Aus­tralians to age well and to shift the neg­a­tive nar­ra­tive we so often hear about old­er people.

Improvement and Innovation Showcase 22: Con­nect­ed, coor­di­nat­ed and col­lab­o­ra­tive care - Wellbeing SA

Wellbeing SA present - Con­nect­ed, coor­di­nat­ed and col­lab­o­ra­tive care: Help­ing old­er peo­ple to age well.

This pre­sen­ta­tion showcased the work Well­be­ing SA is under­tak­ing, work­ing col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly with key part­ners to estab­lish inte­grat­ed care path­ways across the health care con­tin­u­um to improve care for old­er peo­ple and assist them to age well.

Improvement and Innovation Showcase 23: Dandelion, an ECH Care Hotel

The new ECH Care Hotel named ‘Dandelion’ is the first of its kind in Australia and is changing the landscape of how people can be supported as they age. Providing a similar experience to a hotel stay guests will have a range of choices and the freedom and independence to access the services they desire in a comfortable, homelike environment.

ECH Care Hotel Manager Mandy Ross discusses how ECH are innovating the future of care for older Australians.