Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network Culture Change Lab

29 Sept 2022

Since Decem­bers last year, The CEIH has been work­ing with the Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Net­work (BHFL­HN) to co-design inter­ven­tions that will result in mean­ing­ful, effec­tive and mea­sur­able cul­ture change with­in the BHFLHN

There is ample evi­dence that patient expe­ri­ences and out­comes are direct­ly impact­ed by the clin­i­cal work­place cul­ture and the phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal health and well­be­ing of staff. The BHFL­HN has a gen­uine com­mit­ment to ensure that every mem­ber of their team can thrive in a healthy, sup­port­ive and reward­ing workplace. 

We’re work­ing togeth­er to under­take prob­lem fram­ing and a review of exist­ing work­force and well­be­ing data to test assump­tions and ensure that the right issues are being addressed. A foun­da­tion­al ele­ment of this part­ner­ship is build­ing local capa­bil­i­ties so BHFL­HN can build a self-sus­tain­ing, pos­i­tive cul­ture of well­be­ing, ground­ed in the LHN’s val­ues of trust, respect, integri­ty, col­lab­o­ra­tion and kind­ness. These are cen­tral to their plan­ning, deci­sion-mak­ing and culture. 

We’re also sup­port­ing BHFL­HN as they take part in an inno­v­a­tive cross-sec­tio­mul­ti-agency pilot pro­gram, that aims to iden­ti­fy work­place psy­choso­cial risks, guide the devel­op­ment of inter­ven­tions, and embed a con­tin­u­ous qual­i­ty improve­ment frame­work to review the effi­ca­cy of inter­ven­tions imple­ment­ed. The pilot will not only con­tribute to work­force well­be­ing through deploy­ment of an app that is sup­port­ive of an individual’s men­tal health and gen­er­al well­be­ing but also will enable a com­pre­hen­sive approach to work­force well­be­ing data col­lec­tion, plan­ning and action. 

BHFL­HN was select­ed as the health sec­tor rep­re­sen­ta­tive in this project and is joined by five oth­er major Aus­tralian busi­ness­es rep­re­sent­ing diverse sec­tors. It is antic­i­pat­ed that the learn­ings from this pilot pro­gram will be scal­able across oth­er LHNs and ser­vices with­in the wider South Aus­tralian Health sec­tor, con­tribut­ing to improved work­place cul­ture and health work­force wellbeing.