Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Congratulations to our newly Certified Health Informaticians!

07 Dec 2022

Over the past three years, The CEIH and SA Health have sup­port­ed staff from across the state to com­plete their Cer­ti­fied Health Infor­mati­cian Aus­trala­sia (CHIA) cre­den­tials.

Health Infor­mat­ics’ is the sci­ence of using data and infor­ma­tion to improve health care ser­vices and human health broad­ly. This cer­ti­fi­ca­tion is a for­mal recog­ni­tion of a practitioner’s knowl­edge, skills and deep under­stand­ing of how data can inform clin­i­cal outcomes.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the more than 150 new CHIA grad­u­ates – we are so pleased with the num­ber of peo­ple who suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed this chal­leng­ing program!

We held a won­der­ful grad­u­a­tion and net­work­ing event at the Flinders Uni­ver­si­ty Vic­to­ria Square cam­pus on 30 Novem­ber. Due to COVID, it was the first time in three years we’d been able to run the event, so it was an over­due for­mal recog­ni­tion for many.

For­mal pro­ceed­ings were opened by Tina Hardin (Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Clin­i­cal Infor­mat­ics and Inno­va­tion, CEIH), who dis­cussed how CEIH is invest­ing in CHIAs as future thought lead­ers in the health excel­lence and inno­va­tion space. 

Dr Ang­ie Abdel Shafei (Direc­tor of Health­care Man­age­ment at Flinders Uni­ver­si­ty) wel­comed CEIH and the CHIA grad­u­ates to the Flinders Uni­ver­si­ty Vic­to­ria Square cam­pus and gave an overview of study oppor­tu­ni­ties in 2023

Mark Brom­mey­er (Senior Lec­tur­er in Health Care Man­age­ment, Flinders Uni­ver­si­ty and CHIA exam­i­na­tion board mem­ber) wrapped up for­mal pro­ceed­ings with an inspir­ing speech on how, as infor­mati­cians, CHIAs can reduce the gaps between exist­ing health­care prac­tices and set col­lec­tive goals for improved health­care quality.

Fol­low­ing these inspi­ra­tional words from our speak­ers, the grad­u­ates were pre­sent­ed with their cer­tifi­cate and mem­ber­ship pin, before some excit­ing net­work­ing dis­cus­sions with peo­ple shar­ing their plans on how they’ll use their new skills in practice.

The CEIH will advise when future CEIH fund­ed CIHA oppor­tu­ni­ties will be avail­able – please join our mail­ing list if you’d like to be kept up to date with CEIH news.