PRMs Program announces partnership for rollout
A new partnership with The Clinician will give patients a greater say in their care, with the rollout of South Australia’s state-wide Patient Reported Measures (PRMs) Program.
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Second PRMs Research Collaborative Symposium
The November 2022 PRMs Research Collaborative Symposium focused on how PRMs can improve healthcare for CALD populations, people living with disability and First Nations peoples.
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PRMs Research Grant update
The consumer-led research team has kicked off with a great start, working together on pre-planning and preparations for recruitment to the study in patient reported measures.
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PRMs Research Collaborative update
The CEIH and Health Translation SA partnered to establish the Patient Reported Measures Research Collaborative, to improve patient outcomes and accelerate the capacity to improve healthcare and the health of all South Australians.
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Patient Reported Measures Research Collaborative
The CEIH and Health Translation SA (HTSA) partnered to establish the Patient Reported Measures (PRMs) Research Collaborative to drive PRMs research and excellence in South Australia.
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Working collaboratively to undertake consumer-led research in patient reported measures
The consumer-led research team has kicked off with a great start, working together on pre-planning and preparations for recruitment on the study of patient reported measures.
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