Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Project Lifecycle Tools revamped in collaborative format 

16 Aug 2024

We have revamped our Project Life­cy­cle tools to be avail­able in a dynam­ic, col­lab­o­ra­tive for­mat through Mur­al, an online visu­al platform. 

Our tools are designed to enhance inter­ac­tive visu­al col­lab­o­ra­tion, mak­ing it eas­i­er to brain­storm, organ­ise, and work through the life­cy­cle of a project.

With fea­tures such as dig­i­tal sticky notes, vot­ing, real-time col­lab­o­ra­tion and the under­pin­ning project life­cy­cle guid­ance and design think­ing prompts, project teams and stake­hold­ers can con­tribute ideas and insights regard­less of their phys­i­cal location. 

Our tools cur­rent­ly avail­able in Mur­al are: 

Pre­fer Tra­di­tion­al Methods?

We under­stand that online tools may not suit every­one’s pref­er­ences. For those who pre­fer a more tra­di­tion­al approach, we con­tin­ue to offer word ver­sions of our Project Life­cy­cle. These resources pro­vide the same com­pre­hen­sive sup­port and guid­ance, ensur­ing that you have every­thing you need to man­age your projects effec­tive­ly, regard­less of your pre­ferred format. 

Check out our full suite of col­lab­o­ra­tive and word-based Project Life­cy­cle tools, click here to get started! 

Learn more about our Project Life­cy­cle and how we con­tin­ue to build capa­bil­i­ties with­in the health­care sec­tor.