Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Patient flow projects

Patient flow is a complex issue. We're working with partners and advisory groups to find potential improvements and a better patient experience.

What is the issue?

Hospital services have historically been associated with long waiting times and ambulance ramping for patients arriving at emergency departments. There have been many attempts at solving this issue with varying levels of success, however we don't have a clear record of these efforts.

Why is it a problem?

Ramp­ing’ and long wait times cause major delays in patients receiv­ing the care they need, which affects their health out­comes and expe­ri­ences. If we can’t deter­mine what has been attempt­ed to address this issue in the past, we risk wast­ing time, ener­gy and resources on projects that may not deliv­er results.

What are we doing about it?

We’re com­pil­ing evi­dence of cur­rent and past efforts aimed at improv­ing the flow of patients through South Aus­tralian hos­pi­tals. We’re iden­ti­fy­ing what is work­ing and what isn’t, so we can under­stand where the gaps are, find com­mon themes, and make sys­temic improve­ments. Under­stand­ing which activ­i­ties make the great­est improve­ments in patient flow means we can work to build a bet­ter expe­ri­ence for all patients.

Project team members

  • Katie Billing, Exec­u­tive Sponsor
  • Keirstie Bull, Project Manager

More infor­ma­tion

For more infor­ma­tion about patient flow projects and to con­nect with the project man­ag­er, con­tact us.