The agency’s performance
Performance at a glance
Key highlights for 2021 – 22 include:
- Completed an independent evaluation of Demand Management Initiatives for DHW and the Local Health Networks
- Completed an evaluation of urgent surgical services and capacity across Metropolitan Adelaide
- Established a clinical systems environment for the design and evaluation of new models of pre-hospital care within the Virtual Care Service
- Within a state-wide collaboration of clinicians and researchers, secured a Medical Research Future Fund grant for $2.9M over 5 years, to redesign and
implement new approaches to pre-hospital assessment of chest pain, reduce variation in acute care, and improve effectiveness of care among complex
patients groups - Appointed new leads of the Urgent Care, Palliative Care and Cardiac Care Statewide Clinical Networks
- Progressed the procurement of a state-wide system for the measurement of patient reported measures of service and system performance
- Developed a strategy to support excellence in healthcare worker wellbeing and enhance clinical change.
Agency contribution to whole of Government objectives
Key objective | Agency’s contribution |
More jobs | The CEIH is connecting health providers with South Australian health technology companies and other partners to work together to develop solutions to complex health problems. |
Lower costs | By helping the health system across South Australia, focusing on clinician led problems and solutions to improve health care, the health system will achieve better value with a sustainable impact and the community will achieve better health, both contributing positively to the economy of South Australia. |
Better Services | The CEIH vision is “Together, let’s create better healthcare for South Australians”. In delivering on this vision, the CEIH helps health services across South Australia deliver better healthcare for the people using them and the people working in them. |
Agency specific objectives and performance
Agency objectives | Performance | ||
Objective: Excellent health outcomes and experiences for everyone. Objective: Consumers, carers and clinicians engaged in design, delivery and evaluation of health services. | |||
Implement a strategy to support clinicians and consumers in their mutual engagement capability (2020−2021 Objective) | Completed
Further structural integration of strategic consumer voice into CEIH business through appointment of a new CEIH Consumer Lead position and an innovative Consumer Co-Lead position for a CEIH Clinical Network. IAP2 training (internationally accredited public participation training) of almost 50 CEIH consumer representatives and Clinical Leads.Supported the CEIH Community of Consumers to host a SA Consumer Engagement Forum of more than 60 participants plus follow-up online and regional community engagement activities. | ||
Roll-out a digital innovation and project management toolkit that assist practitioners in scoping, executing and sustaining their initiatives (2020−2021 Objective) | 90% Completed | ||
Pilot systematic measurement of health workforce wellbeing | Completed The CEIH staff trialled a product for internal use during 2021 – 22 and conducted an internal evaluation. This tool was more extensive than needed in a nonclinical small organisation. A new wellbeing psychosocial safety risk assessment tool is being piloted as part of a broader wellbeing intervention in partnership with a Local Health Network | ||
Establish and implement a Patient Reported Measures program Procure a statewide digital platform for collecting and reporting patient experience and outcomes | 75% Completed The PRM Program team commenced in July 2021. Program establishment work has included the convening of a PRM Program Board, and undertaking detailed implementation planning and an open procurement process for the PRM Program digital solution. In partnership with Health Translation SA, the CEIH has established a PRMs Research Collaborative (The Collaborative), building a professional network of people with expertise in PRMs research from across the health and academic sectors through membership to The Collaborative. | ||
Objective: A culture in the health system of innovation and striving for excellence | |||
Drive the development of a governance structure for the management of data within SA Health | Ongoing This work is ongoing. One of the key pieces of work undertaken in 2021 – 22, the CEIH supported a working party aligned to the Data and Analytics project led through SA Health to review mechanisms (including legislation) that enable safe and appropriate access and sharing of data. | ||
Leverage our Idea and Collaboration tool for at least 5 health system challenges | Delayed — Closed With the health system focussed on COVID-19 and other internal pressures this objective was delayed. One challenge was achieved through the tool. This work will be taken forward as part of the CEIH Innovation Strategy (under development). | ||
Deliver a state-wide model of care for perinatal thalassemia/haemoglobinopathy management | Completed Further to a current state analysis, a statewide workshop was held to identify opportunities to Improving the Identification and Management of Haemoglobinopathies and Thalassaemia in Pregnancy. A standalone external (to CEIH) representative stakeholder group has been established to further consider the issues, barriers and enablers identified by workshop participants and develop solutions for better coordination for screening for thalassaemia in SA. |
Other key activities and highlights
During 2021 – 2022 the CEIH aligned its projects to work streams to help theme and communicate our achievements in line the CEIH agency objectives:
Initiatives | Overview / Key Activities |
Theme: Invest in Leadership – build capability across the system | |
Virtual Care Service (VCS) Partnership – Discovery | The Statewide Urgent Care Clinical Network partnered with the VCS to provide strategic advice and support, clinical leadership and insight delivery for select projects. This involved working closely with the VCS team to identify challenges and opportunities, supporting insight discovery, undertaking stakeholder consultation and providing recommendations and high-level current to future state model options recommending a pilot phase to commence in 2022 – 23. |
Regional LHN Capability Development Initiative | In June 2021, CEIH launched the Regional Local Health Network Partnership Initiative which aimed to build healthcare innovation and excellence capability with nominated participants from the six Regional Local Health Networks (LHNs). Tailored CEIH training included problem framing, design thinking, project management and using data insights plus ongoing mentoring to further refine ideas and facilitate connections across the system. The initiative culminated in participants presenting project briefs to their LHN Executive teams, with four proposals supported and underway. Following the initiative, several LHN line managers reported improvements in the participants’ knowledge, skills and systems thinking approach. Participants themselves have reported greater confidence in problem framing, using innovation processes and delivering data insights. |
Improvement Showcase | The CEIH Improvement Showcase (The Showcase) brings together teams to share the improvements made in healthcare in South Australia. The Showcase provides a platform for people to connect and explore why improvements were needed, how the change occurred, and what impacts they had. The Improvement Showcase is held live online and includes a presentation followed by interactive question and answer format. Presentations are published through the CEIH’s digital channels to enable accessibility for a broad audience. The Showcase explores a different theme in each series. In 2021 – 22 the themes included; Demand Management, Data in Action, Hospital Avoidance Strategies, Vulnerable Populations and Ageing Well. In 2021 – 22, close to 500 attendees tuned in to a live session, while the Improvement Showcase registered over 1000 views on YouTube for its recorded sessions. |
Statewide Clinical Networks Capability Development and Community Building | The program is focused on building capability of individuals as leaders to orchestrate development of clinical communities across institutional boundaries. An important role of the CEIH is to work with the Statewide Clinical Networks to support and build capability and skills to navigate across the health system and beyond. This enables sustainable communities to be established with sustainable impact and growth. In 2021 – 22 each network was assessed and capability development needs identified in a tailored action plan to address these. |
Certified Health Informatician Accreditation (CHIA) Program | CHIA builds capability and recognises skills and knowledge in informatics. In 2021 – 22 the CEIH sponsored 60 places from across the health sector towards achieving their certification, with candidates studying and undertaking their examination into 2022 – 23. This brings the total sponsored places (across multiple years) by the CEIH to 195. |
Theme: Deliver Insight – drive change, lead to action | |
Actionable Clinical Insights Delivery | An initiative to deliver real time clinical decision support at the point of care – including machine learning, virtual registries, inter/intra site patient journeys, streaming analytics, efficiency and productivity analytics etc. This work aims to create common standards and logic that can be utilised across the health sector to encourage collaboration, scalability, reduce duplication and improve quality insights. During 2021 – 22, leveraging previous work, further activities were undertaken to assess infrastructure (including the requirements and design for virtual registries and real time clinical decision support), establish high-level work packages, explore and test insights including analysis and logic to interpret and analyse patient flow. Significant progress has been made on the development of several virtual registries in cardiology and respiratory areas and the associated architecture and software product enhancements to support this work. The CEIH acknowledges Digital Health SA (DHSA in SA Health) have been critical in enabling this work. This work will continue into 2022 – 23 and is foundational to all insight driven approaches of the CEIH, Statewide Clinical Networks and our partners building core capabilities for the CEIH and the health system. |
Evaluation of Demand Management Initiatives | Provide insight at a system level of the impact of multiple initiatives related to managing demand. The CEIH considered a number of pilot health initiatives related to system demand through a process that included (near) real-time monitoring via a series of dashboards, quantitative analysis of a number of process and efficiency measures, and engagement with Local Heath Networks to discuss project learnings and outcomes to inform qualitative analysis. This was supplemented by a high level economic analysis. Overall the evaluation found that further time was required to understand the impact of the initiatives but did make some internal recommendations. These recommendations reflect common themes found across all the initiatives that demonstrate the health system must work together at all levels to achieve sustainability and impact. |
Cancer Registry Interface | This work is designed to link a population monitoring and surveillance cancer registry for South Australia with clinical treatment registry data held in a separate repository. It is a collaborative project led by the Statewide Cancer Clinical Network and Wellbeing SA. |
Theme: Our Enablers – enable the CEIH to deliver impact | |
Innovation Strategy | A strategy to identify and address barriers that stifle innovation. Creating opportunities for delivering emerging innovations and technologies across the health care continuum. Consultation on the processes and tools required to achieve the objective were undertaken across a wide stakeholder group including clinicians, industry, government and research. This involved building strong relationships across the sector as well as identifying opportunities and ensuring alignment to key strategic priorities of the Government. Draft innovation models and products were also ‘road tested’ and will be used in 2022 – 23 to finalise and launch core products. |
Stakeholder Management Tool (SMT) | The CEIH works with a broad range of stakeholders and sometimes the same stakeholders but in different capacities. Often the greatest value that can be made is to connect people across the health system. A SMT is critical to ensure that stakeholder value is recognised, valued and co-ordinated but also that any gaps can be identified and addressed. In 2021 – 22 detailed requirements, market assessment and procurement of a SMT was undertaken. This tool will be piloted and if successful, further configured, implemented and users trained in 2022 – 23. |
Theme: Worker Wellbeing – identify scalable interventions | |
Compassion Collaborative | The CEIH partnered with ‘Compassion Revolution’ to establish a Compassion Collaborative (CC) for the SA health workforce for a 12-month trial. Collaborators met monthly on a purpose-built platform, to share ideas and test practical ways to sustain and increase compassion within the SA health sector. It was also a space to develop resources and inspire compassionate workplace action. Reflection of the trial indicated initial positive engagement but that the demands of COVID-19 on the workforce adversely impacted Collaborative members’ capacity to engage. Experience from the CC has informed a consultation and strategy that lays the foundation for a program of work to tackle healthcare worker burnout in the post-pandemic environment. |
Creating Excellence in Workplace Wellbeing Culture | The CEIH recognises its role in creating a healthy, safe and thriving workplace culture across the South Australian health sector to support positive health and wellbeing outcomes for the workforce and consumers. The CEIH conducted a project scoping process and designed a current state and future state model based on international best practice and consultation with over 50 key stakeholders across the sector. This process informed a draft strategic approach to identifying and addressing work-related factors impacting on workforce wellbeing culture and effectiveness across the health system. The strategic approach aims to address identified gaps and build organisational and system capacity and capability to drive change. |
Local Health Network Culture Lab | In partnership with one LHN, the CEIH has supported the planning and interventions to improve workforce culture and worker wellbeing through building local capabilities. Work has included problem framing, review of workforce and wellbeing data and identification of best practice opportunities. The LHN has been supported to be part of an innovative national, cross sector, multi-agency pilot. The pilot includes implementation of a supportive digital application and supports development of a local comprehensive approach to workforce wellbeing data collection, planning and action. |
Theme: Partner Projects – innovation, excellence and best practice | |
Improving informed consent for genetic testing | The clinical and social implications of our new era of genetic medicine can be difficult for the general public to understand, yet informed consent for genetic testing is critical. The overall objective is to make this process as informed and easy as possible, especially considering the duress families are often under when seeking a genetic diagnosis. In 2021 – 22 preparation work was undertaken including content development, consultation and application support for a pilot using a digital platform to allow South Australians to better understand the implications of genetic testing to ensure they are able to give informed consent. |
Personalised Care in Cancer | Development of a state-wide framework will enable consistent and standardised guidelines and pathways for patients with cancer to improve germline genetic testing rates, reduce wait-times, inform cancer care treatment and ultimately improve cancer care. The framework is being co-developed and guided by a multi-disciplinary Working Group that will align stakeholder interests across the health care system. The working group has been formed and a comprehensive current state analysis has been conducted. The outcomes of the current state analysis will be used to develop the state-wide framework and identify activities required to support implementation in collaboration with the working group. |
Aboriginal Health Data Partnership | The Aboriginal Health Branch in the DHW partnered with the CEIH to support cross sector partnership and collaboration to rethink approaches to measuring outcomes and health system effectiveness. This initiative is working to improve Aboriginal Australians’ experience of the health system by better use of Aboriginal health data across the system. |
Optimised Pre-Surgical Care | Optimised Pre-Surgical Care will form a major body of work for the Statewide Surgical and Perioperative Care Network, aiming to improve patient outcomes and health care delivery for all patients undergoing a surgical procedure across South Australia. The Network’s Steering Committee initiated an assessment of current programs being used in this field and formulating innovative new ways to achieve an improvement in delivery of optimised pre-surgical care. |
Emergency Surgery Data Analysis | The Statewide Surgical and Perioperative Care Network aimed to understand the previously unmeasured service demand and capacity for emergency surgery across metropolitan Adelaide including factors and impact this may have on the health system and health outcomes. This included examining emergency surgery waiting times to determine if there was evidence of people waiting longer for emergency surgery than clinically planned and, if so, the size and magnitude of the problem. Clinician representatives from across Local Health Networks were brought together with an insight driven approach resulting in a series of recommendations for further action in 2022 – 23. This project will form the foundation for further clinician-led work on improving access to urgent surgery in 2023. |
Improving Rural to Metro transfers for Urgent Mental Health Care | The CEIH partnered with the Statewide Urgent Care Clinical Network to deliver an improvement project related to the accessibility of urgent care for people presenting with mental health conditions living in rural areas. The project was informed by consultation with key stakeholders, including clinicians, consumers, mental health organisations, SA Ambulance Service and the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist. Central Adelaide Local Health Network and Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network agreed to collaborate on a project with the CEIH, with the plan to co-design and pilot improvements that would have a positive effect on the journey of rural to metro mental health patients requiring urgent care. A design workshop was facilitated by the CEIH in August 2021. Areas of need were prioritised, with the partnership agreeing on actions to progress as improvement activities both within and across LHNs. |
Adolescent Transition Research Project | This project is a collaboration between the CEIH, Statewide Adolescent Transition Care Clinical Network and the Better Start group led by Prof. John Lynch at the University of Adelaide. The project will facilitate the linking of longitudinal data from two existing but separate databases that will combine health and social system data (e.g. emergency presentations, education, welfare) and outpatient data from the Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCHN). The project aims to explore the feasibility of utilising these linked datasets to answer questions around how young people with a chronic illness transition from paediatric to adult services, and identify predictors of poor transition and exploring the impact of chronic illness on long term life outcomes. Ethics approvals are currently being prepared. |
Cancer Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Improvement Project | The Statewide Cancer Clinical Network identified opportunities to improve care through examination of processes, documentation, access to information and co-ordination of care. The preferred approach has been to explore how best practice clinical digital platforms can be utilised. The CEIH has been engaging with DHSA to ensure the MDT project direction aligns with their digital strategy roadmap. |
Improving the identification and management of Lower Back Pain (LBP) in unplanned Emergency Department presentations | The Statewide Chronic Pain Clinical Network initiative aims to improve care and the care pathway for people with lower back pain including investigating the clinical and systems factors which drive presentations for LBP in order to create a more appropriate care pathway for these individuals in the community. A working group was established to deliver improved assessment and management of LBP in the ED and develop and implement LBP Model of Care (MOC). A Sector workshop was conducted in July 2022 to inform the MOC development. |
Corporate performance summary
During the 2021 – 22 financial year the CEIH has continued to build and strengthen processes and systems including:
- Focused the Clinical Advisory Council (CAC) to a smaller group providing more detailed strategic advice on the work and direction of the Commission.
- The formation of the CEIH Wellbeing and Safety Group (WSG) committee.
- The WSG focused on providing staff with resources to build knowledge and awareness on wellbeing and safety and cultural awareness training
- information.
- Work on the Disability and Inclusion Action Plan continued and the CEIH was
represented on the SA Health Gender Equality and Diversity Group. - Completion of the Memorandum of Administrative Arrangements (MoAA) with
DHW. - Progress began on the formation of a Reconciliation Action Plan Working
Group. - Service Level Agreements with Shared Services SA reviewed and updated.
- Financial performance: 98 % of invoices were paid within 30 days
Refer also to the activities listed under Highlights and Activities – Our Enablers.
Employment opportunity programs
Program name | Performance |
Nil | Nil |
Agency performance management and development systems
Performance management and development system | Performance |
Performance Review and Development (PRD) are completed in September/October and March/April in line with DHW policies and procedures | Two PRD cycles were completed within the financial year. 61% of staff and managers completed a formal performance development review. Note the following had an impact on completion of PRDs during 2021 – 22:
Work health and safety and return to work programs
Program name | Performance |
SA Health Employee Assistance Program (EAP) | The CEIH offers employees and their immediate family members access to confidential and professional counselling services for work related and personal issues through the SA Health Employee Assistance Program which is centrally managed by DHW. The EAP continues to be made available by telehealth or phone counselling during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Worksite inspections | The CEIH is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of its employees and recognises duty of care of all persons. The CEIH undertakes worksite safety inspections twice/year. |
Work, Health and Safety Consultation and Representation | The CEIH has representation on the Department of Health and Wellbeing, Work Health Safety Consultative Committee. |
Ergonomics | Individuals are set up ergonomically at their workstations based on SA Health procedures. Staff are required to complete a Working from Home Checklist to assess work health and safety risks in the home. |
Influenza Vaccinations | A free Seasonal Influenza (flu) vaccination is available to all SA Health workers. The 2022 SA Health Influenza (flu) Vaccination Program commenced from 8 April 2022. CEIH employees are included in the DHW annual influenza vaccination program. |
Covid-19 Vaccination | Effective from 29 January 2022, all employees were required to be compliant with Emergency Management Directions. All DHW and CEIH employees were required to have, or have booked a booster dose within four weeks of becoming eligible according to the ATAGI guidelines. During this period Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) kits were provided to staff. A register was established and maintained to record and monitor allocation and usage. |
Flexible Working Arrangements | Flexible working arrangements are supported and provisions for working from home continued in 2021⁄22. |
Psychological Health and Wellbeing | Although it was challenging to achieve during COVID-19 lockdowns and periods of work-from-home in 2021 – 22, the CEIH Wellbeing and Safety Group (WSG) formed a strong committee in February 2022, when the workforce started to return to the workplace. WSG key achievements were:
The following activities were encouraged:
Workplace injury claims | 2021 – 22 | 2020 – 21 | % Change (+ / -) |
Total new workplace injury claims | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
Fatalities | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
Seriously injured workers* | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
Significant injuries (where lost time exceeds a working week, expressed as frequency rate per 1000 FTE) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0% |
*number of claimants assessed during the reporting period as having a whole person impairment of 30% or more under the Return to Work Act 2014 (Part 2 Division 5)
Work health and safety regulations | 2021 – 22 | 2020 – 21 | % Change (+ / -) |
Number of notifiable incidents (Work Health and Safety Act 2012, Part 3) | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
Number of provisional improvement, improvement and prohibition notices (Work Health and Safety Act 2012 Sections 90, 191 and 195) | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
Return to work costs** | 2021 – 22 | 2020 – 21 | % Change (+ / -) |
Total gross workers compensation expenditure ($) | $0 | $0 | 0.0% |
Income support payments – gross ($) | $0 | $0 | 0.0% |
**before third party recovery
Data for previous years is available via: Data SA website.
Executive employment in the agency
Executive classification | Number of executives |
EXF | 1 |
SAES 1 Level | 2 |
*as at 30th June 2022
Data for previous years is available at: Data SA website
The Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment has a workforce information page that provides further information on the breakdown of executive gender, salary and tenure by agency.
Read about the financial performance.