Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Strengthening consumer involvement in healthcare

At the CEIH, we believe people are at the centre of our healthcare system, and their experiences and perspectives should shape innovation and improvement.

Through late 20212022, the CEIH facil­i­tat­ed a series of con­sumer engage­ment activ­i­ties cen­tred around two key questions: 

- What is mean­ing­ful con­sumer engage­ment and how do we mea­sure it? 

- What could the future of con­sumer engage­ment look like? 

The pur­pose was to seek the per­spec­tives of health­care con­sumers, car­ers, fam­i­ly, clin­i­cians and the com­mu­ni­ty gen­er­al­ly, with view to ensur­ing South Australia’s health sys­tem is engag­ing effec­tive­ly and using con­sumer input to dri­ve improve­ments and innovations. 

The process was dri­ven by the CEIH’s con­sumer rep­re­sen­ta­tives and includ­ed a forum in Ade­laide, an online sur­vey and region­al communications. 

For infor­ma­tion on key themes and rec­om­men­da­tions aris­ing from these activ­i­ties, read the sum­ma­ry and the final report.