In June 2021, the CEIH launched the Regional Local Health Network Partnership Initiative which aimed to build healthcare innovation and excellence capability with the nominated participants from the six Regional Local Health Networks (LHNs). Participants were to utilise their learnings to brief an innovative project back to their LHN Executive six months later.
The participants came from various areas of health – some were Project Officers, Quality Risk and Safety Coordinators or from roles such as WHS Consultant, Hotel Services Management and a RN/Quality Link Nurse. During the six-month initiative, they participated in two face-to-face sessions, with CEIH Executive and staff who provided continual mentoring and support throughout the program.
Tailored workshops were hosted by the CEIH, covering areas such as problem framing, design thinking, project management and using data insights. Participants practiced pitching their proposals to members of CEIH Executive who provided support and mentoring to further refine ideas and solutions, facilitate introductions and make connections within the South Australian health system and beyond.
The Partnership Initiative culminated in participants presenting project briefs to their LHN Executive team for discussion and consideration. Four project proposals received LHN Executive support and are currently in progress and the CEIH commends these participants for their efforts and success.
Of the supported project proposals, one is aimed at better use of data for patient outcomes and another looks at an innovative model of food service in hospitals within an LHN. Other participants have absorbed learnings, skills and knowledge from the initiative into their current work with support from their Executive and are commended.
Several LHN line managers reported improvements in the participants’ knowledge and skills and importantly some noted their staff were now considering issues at a systems level. Participants self-reported increased confidence in problem framing and using innovation processes and data insights. They also reported improved connections with relevant agencies and had actively applied the tools and learning to their everyday work.
Scott Mac-Diarmid, Hotel Services Manager from Riverland Murray Coorong Local Health Network was one of the delegates involved in the Initiative. He has been able to implement several key learnings from the program to develop a project within his LHN.
“Over the Regional LHN Partnership Initiative, I learned new techniques that made me look at problem-solving in a different way….The great part of this is I have been able to apply these techniques back in my workplace allowing me to tackle other ideas, dreams, and challenges with confidence and in greater detail. What started out as my participation in the initiative has turned into an important project addressing a need for my LHN. I would not have been able to do this without the help and support of the staff at CEIH.”
Congratulations to all ten participants of the LHN Regional Partnership Initiative!
To learn more about our work, see Current projects.