We are thrilled to be part of the OPTIMAL Research Project, with the intervention phase of the project commenced in three wards in Central Adelaide Local Health Network (LHN) in November 2024. The project is being implemented in a stepwise manner over 14 months and will commence in Southern Adelaide LHN in March 2025 and Northern Adelaide LHN in May 2025.
OPTIMAL (Optimising older Peoples’ Transition from acute care Into residential aged care through Multidisciplinary Assessment and Liaison) is an enhanced care intervention for older persons making a first-time transition into permanent residential aged care from hospital. As a partner in this Medical Research Future Fund project, CEIH has worked closely with Flinders University (the lead), Registry of Senior Australians (ROSA) and clinicians providing care to this group.
We know other countries have been able to reduce hospital readmissions by enhancing transitional care for older persons being discharged from hospital. OPTIMAL is using evidenced based risk stratified approaches, to assess the effectiveness of post discharge interventions in an Australian setting.
CEIH enabled the implementation of this work, building a unique dashboard which applies the predictive model developed by ROSA, to support this research intervention. This innovation enables clinicians to monitor consenting older person’s transitions from acute wards through Care Awaiting Placement, and discharge from SA Health, until arrival at permanent residential aged care.
Facilitated training is an important success factor for project implementation. The CEIH demonstrated the dashboard at stakeholder workshops earlier this year and provided customised training to the OPTIMAL research nurses from Central and Southern Adelaide LHNs.
We are excited to see the outcomes for older persons entering into residential aged care for the first time in metropolitan South Australia.
If you would like to know more about this research, please email Carmel.McNamara@flinders.edu.au If you would like to know more about the partnership work of CEIH, please email ceih@sa.gov.au