Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Our commissioner wins an honorary fellowship award from RACMA

11 Oct 2024

We’re delight­ed to announce that our Com­mis­sion­er, Pro­fes­sor Kei­th McNeil, has been award­ed an Hon­orary Fel­low­ship by the Roy­al Aus­tralasian Col­lege of Med­ical Admin­is­tra­tors (RAC­MA).

The Roy­al Aus­tralasian Col­lege of Med­ical Admin­is­tra­tors (RAC­MA) is a spe­cial­ist med­ical col­lege that pro­vides edu­ca­tion, train­ing, knowl­edge and advice in med­ical lead­er­ship and man­age­ment. The Hon­orary Fel­low­ship from RAC­MA is pre­sent­ed to indi­vid­u­als in recog­ni­tion of out­stand­ing achieve­ment and con­tri­bu­tions to the com­mu­ni­ty con­sis­tent with the objects of RAC­MA. The pre­sen­ta­tion of the Hon­orary Fel­low­ship is for dis­tin­guished indi­vid­u­als who con­tribute to the advance­ment, or the bet­ter­ment of soci­ety by advanc­ing the role of med­ical admin­is­tra­tion well beyond the nor­mal expec­ta­tions in health ser­vices lead­er­ship and man­age­ment, and in doing so have achieved emi­nence in their field at local, state, nation­al or inter­na­tion­al level. 

This pres­ti­gious recog­ni­tion is a tes­ta­ment to Keith’s excep­tion­al lead­er­ship, ded­i­ca­tion, and con­tri­bu­tions to the field of health­care and his com­mit­ment to improv­ing patient out­comes and dri­ving pos­i­tive change. 

In his role as Com­mis­sion­er of the CEIH, Kei­th has been instru­men­tal in lead­ing our efforts to address sys­temic issues and pro­mote inno­va­tion with­in the South Aus­tralian health­care sys­tem. His strate­gic vision and inno­v­a­tive approach have been instru­men­tal in shap­ing the CEI­H’s strate­gic direc­tion and ensur­ing that it remains at the fore­front of health­care reform. 

Click here to know more about RAC­MA.