Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health


Raising the voice of the silent consumer

Kathryn Houri­g­an reflects on her first 6 months as the Con­sumer Co-Lead for the Statewide Pal­lia­tive Care Clin­i­cal Network.

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Identifying the enablers to good opioid stewardship

In late 2021, the Statewide Chron­ic Pain Clin­i­cal Net­work host­ed an Opi­oid Round­table to dis­cuss how opi­oids are cur­rent­ly used to man­age pain and con­sid­er what could be done to ensure they are used safe­ly and effectively.

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PRMs Research Collaborative launches with Research Symposium

The Col­lab­o­ra­tive offi­cial­ly launched on 18 March 2022 at the inau­gur­al PRMs Research Sym­po­sium, show­cas­ing the work of our fan­tas­tic researchers here in SA.

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Partnering with the South Australian Virtual Care Service to improve urgent care capacity and efficacy

The Statewide Urgent Care Clin­i­cal Net­work team at the CEIH and the oper­a­tional clin­i­cal leads in the South Aus­tralian Vir­tu­al Care Ser­vice (SAVCS) are part­ner­ing to improve urgent care path­ways in South Australia.

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