Identifying enablers of transitional services for young people
The Statewide Adolescent Transition Care Clinical Network is undertaking a journey mapping project to identify the challenges faced by young people transition from paediatric to adult care services.
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Improving transition care for young people
The Statewide Adolescent Transition Care Clinical Network has partnered with the Department for Health and Wellbeing to develop a Statewide Adolescent Transition Framework and Action Plan.
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Partnering on the SA Cancer Plan
The CEIH Statewide Cancer Clinical Network is partnering with The Department for Health and Wellbeing to inform future service planning, models of care, and system-wide decisions for cancer care in South Australia.
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Partnering with the SA Virtual Care Service
The CEIH Urgent Care Statewide Clinical Network and SA Virtual Care Service team are partnering to enhance the value and use of virtual care services in South Australia.
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Researching how young people with a chronic illness transition from paediatric to adult services
The adolescent transition research project is a collaboration between the CEIH Statewide Adolescent Transition Care Clinical Network and the University of Adelaide.
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Q&A with Professor Jayme Bennetts
We sat down with our new Statewide Cardiac Care Clinical Network Lead. Jayme shares his career highlights and where he sees opportunity for innovation and improvement in cardiology.
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