42 new CHIA graduates sponsored, strengthening the SA Health workforce by a total of 170 informaticians
Over the past 4 years, we’ve helped build the informatics capability within SA Health by supporting the state’s digital and health informatics leaders to complete their Certified Health Informatician Australasia (CHIA) accreditation.
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It’s official! We've signed a 3 year partnership agreement with Caring Futures Institute
After successfully collaborating with The Caring Futures Institute (CFI) for the Cancer Navigation Project, we’re excited to partner together for three-years, to drive tangible improvements in areas crucial to patient care and system efficiency.
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Your voices heard: community shapes optimal system of care for low back pain
We received over 60 responses from the community on the proposed optimal system of care for low back pain. Your feedback helped to refine the proposal, paving the way for a final model that better addresses community needs.
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CALHN to be the first to implement HIRAID® to improve the quality of nursing assessment in its emergency department
After success in New South Wales, South Australian LHNs to implement HIRAID®, the only validated, evidence-based framework that empowers emergency nurses to improve nursing assessment.
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Cancer survivor Mark uses his personal experience to advocate for better healthcare as a consumer representative
Mark is passionate about giving back by being a CEIH consumer representative. He speaks about the perspective, opportunities and motivation the role has given him to really make a difference to health care in SA.
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