Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Partnering for better Aboriginal health outcomes

28 Mar 2022

Every­thing we do involves col­lab­o­rat­ing and part­ner­ing for a bet­ter health system.

Last year our Clin­i­cal Infor­mat­ics team part­nered with NAL­HN Abo­rig­i­nal Health to stream­line their nation­al data report­ing on Abo­rig­i­nal Health indi­ca­tors. Led by Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Kurt Tow­ers, NAL­HN Abo­rig­i­nal Health deliv­ers high qual­i­ty and com­pas­sion­ate ser­vices to sup­port the well­be­ing of the Abo­rig­i­nal Community.

Through gen­uine part­ner­ship and col­lab­o­ra­tion, our teams worked close­ly togeth­er and iden­ti­fied oppor­tu­ni­ties to use rich data assets to iden­ti­fy at-risk patients and devel­op an inter­ac­tive ana­lyt­ics dash­board to deliv­er insights on chron­ic dis­ease man­age­ment, pre­ven­ta­tive health, and child and mater­nal health indicators.

This part­ner­ship includ­ed CEIH exper­tise in data sci­ence, user expe­ri­ence, data engi­neer­ing and busi­ness analy­sis, work­ing close­ly with key Wat­to Purrun­na Abo­rig­i­nal Health Ser­vice staff, to design and devel­op the insights-dri­ven ana­lyt­ics dashboard.

This approach will make a real dif­fer­ence to Abo­rig­i­nal peo­ple ser­viced across NAL­HN, with the data insights help­ing Kurt and his team in the plan­ning of their ser­vices to improve health out­comes for the Abo­rig­i­nal Community.

We’re proud of this part­ner­ship which proves that many minds are bet­ter than one and that data makes pos­si­bil­i­ties endless.

We look for­ward to con­tin­u­ing this won­der­ful part­ner­ship with NAL­HN Abo­rig­i­nal Health and sup­port­ing their new patient infor­ma­tion system.

Have an idea or a prob­lem you’re try­ing to solve to bet­ter health­care for South Aus­tralians?
We’d like to hear from you — con­tact us.

To read more about Wat­to Purrun­na Abo­rig­i­nal Pri­ma­ry Health Care Ser­vice, vis­it their web­site.

Image Cred­it: Wat­to Purrun­na Abo­rig­i­nal Pri­ma­ry Health Care Ser­vice, North­ern Ade­laide Local Health Network