Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Improvement Showcase Series 2: Data in Action

Improve­ment Show­case 7: Coronary Angiogram Database of SA

In this presentation, A/Prof Rosanna Tavella discusses Coronary Angiogram Database of South Australia (CADOSA), a cardiac procedure registry capturing public hospital patients undergoing coronary angiography and/or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).

Improve­ment Show­case 6: Improving Cardiac Outcomes in Country SA

In this presentation, Rosy Tirimacco discusses developing and implementing clinical tools and systems to support primary care teams in the delivery of up-to-date evidenced based acute cardiac care with seamless access to metropolitan based tertiary cardiac care services.

Improve­ment Show­case 5: Precision Public Health Going Digital

In this presentation, Andre Andrade will describe how Veterans' MATES (a Department of Veterans' Affairs funded medicine advice program) uses data and digital infrastructure to change primary care practices at a national level.