Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Innovation Model

The Innovation Model is open to both the public and private sectors, creating a pathway to ideate and collaborate, design and develop, produce and propel ideas, with the goal to scale solutions sustainably.​

Con­tribut­ing to sup­port­ing a Cul­ture of Inno­va­tion, the CEIH Inno­va­tion Mod­el has been devel­oped for both the pub­lic and pri­vate sec­tors, cre­at­ing a path­way to ideate and col­lab­o­rate, devel­op and design, pro­duce and pro­pel ideas, with the goal to deploy solu­tions sus­tain­ably.​Cre­at­ing a clear and con­cise Inno­va­tion Mod­el pro­vides a log­i­cal process that can be engaged at any stage between idea to implementation.

Ready to spark your ideas?

Fol­low the link to use the Inno­va­tion Mod­el.