Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Cancer Navigation

Cancer navigation is key for person-centred care, and improved access and continuity of care. The first deliverable for the Cancer Navigation Project is to develop a framework for cancer navigation.

The opportunity

Can­cer nav­i­ga­tion refers to how a patient nav­i­gates can­cer care and is a key ele­ment of coor­di­nat­ed, per­son-cen­tred care and sup­port.

Following extensive consultation, the Can­cer Statewide Clin­i­cal Net­work (SCN) identified enhancing effi­cient and equi­table can­cer nav­i­ga­tion as the high­est pri­or­i­ty for improvement of cancer care.

This project focused on developing and delivering a cancer navigation framework designed to improve access to care and continuity, particularly among populations experiencing unmet needs and disparities in cancer care.



We’re imagining a system where everyone has better access to continuous cancer care. Developing the cancer navigation framework is the first step in this process.

The DRAFT SA Can­cer Plan informs the future direction of cancer care in South Australia, identifying opportunities to build a coordinated, integrated, equitable, evidence-based, and personalised care system. By providing a framework on cancer navigation, the intent is to support the healthcare system in delivering strategies that puts patients at the centre, ensuring the highest standard of care for all.

Caring Futures Institute, in partnership with CEIH and the Statewide Cancer Clinical Network, proudly presents the SA Cancer Navigation Framework and Action Plan.

The next phase will focus on implementing the framework.

Documents and resources

SA Cancer Navigation Framework and Action Plan.

Have a question?

Please email CEIHCancer@​sa.​gov.​au