While there are existing mechanisms which support surgical safety and quality in the South Australian hospitals, there are limitations to the current approach which is inconsistently applied statewide. The Surgical and Perioperative Care Statewide Clinical Network (SPCSCN) see the opportunity for surgical units in South Australia (SA) to benefit from a system-wide surgical quality improvement program built on validated, risk-adjusted post-operative morbidity and mortality data that is captured in a standardised approach.
The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) assesses a hospital’s surgical outcomes against local and international peers. NSQIP enhances a hospital’s ability to zero in on preventable complications, using validated, risk-adjusted clinical and administrative data. The results enable targeted, quality improvement initiatives to be developed. These initiatives enhance the quality of surgical care while reducing complications and costs. NSQIP has been assessed as comparable or in some cases superior in quality to other surgical risk calculators and surgical outcome databases. Combining the capabilities of NSQIP and the South Australian Audit of Surgical Mortality (SAASM) would provide an opportunity to strengthen surgical safety and quality in SA.
The SPCSCN is currently working with surgical divisions, safety and quality teams and executive leadership across Local Health Networks (LHNs) to scope the possibility of implementing NSQIP across SA hospitals.
If you are interested to find out more about this project, contact us at: CEIH.SurgicalPerioperative@sa.gov.au