New Optimised Pre-Surgical Care Framework for SA
South Australia’s first Optimised Pre-Surgical Care Framework will make surgery safer, improve patients’ experience and outcomes, make surgery easier for the surgeon and reduce the pressure on our health system.
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A message from Outgoing Commissioner Prof Derek Chew
The CEIH is farewelling Professor Derek Chew who has been our inspiring leader for almost two years. Read Professor Chew’s farewell message.
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Congratulations to our newly Certified Health Informaticians!
A fantastic graduation ceremony was recently held to celebrate the hard work and dedication of more than 150 newly qualified Certified Health Informatician Australasia (CHIA) practitioners.
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The Cardiac Care Statewide Clinical Network reforms
We’d like to welcome the members of the steering committee, who bring a diverse range of skills and expertise in cardiac care.
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Partnering to better meet the needs of the Northern community
We’re pleased to be one of 17 partners in this multi-agency collaborative, coordinated by Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN). which aims to create a prosperous and thriving community in the North.
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Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network Culture Change Lab
The CEIH has been working with the Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network (BHFLHN) to co-design interventions that will result in meaningful, effective and measurable culture change within the BHFLHN.
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