Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health


We're developing a plan for indigenous inclusion

CEIH is devel­op­ing a Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion Action Plan to artic­u­late our com­mit­ment to engag­ing and build­ing rela­tion­ships with First Nations peo­ples in inclu­sive and cul­tur­al­ly sen­si­tive ways.

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925 healthcare enthusiasts connect at our 2023 Improvement and Innovation Showcase season

The Show­case is a valu­able knowl­edge shar­ing plat­form and in 2023 we cov­ered top­ics trend­ing in the health­care sec­tor — health­care work­place well­be­ing’ and improv­ing health­care with machine learn­ing and AI’.

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Hundreds of South Australians help shape approach to cancer care across the state

Can­cer patients along with their fam­i­lies, health­care work­ers, and com­mu­ni­ty groups have been shar­ing their expe­ri­ences and ideas to devel­op a Can­cer Nav­i­ga­tion Frame­work’ that will help every­one to get the best pos­si­ble care.

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We’ve been busy laying the foundations for the first state-wide Innovation Collaborative

We’ve explored bar­ri­ers to health inno­va­tion and iden­ti­fied that many of us face com­mon chal­lenges. The need to come togeth­er and col­lab­o­rate has led to the estab­lish­ment of the Inno­va­tion Collaborative.

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South Australia PRMs Program Goes Live at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital with The Clinician’s ZEDOC solution

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42 new CHIA graduates sponsored, strengthening the SA Health workforce by a total of 170 informaticians

Over the past 4 years, we’ve helped build the infor­mat­ics capa­bil­i­ty with­in SA Health by sup­port­ing the state’s dig­i­tal and health infor­mat­ics lead­ers to com­plete their Cer­ti­fied Health Infor­mati­cian Aus­trala­sia (CHIA) accreditation.

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