Meet the clinical experts who lead our Statewide Clinical Networks to help improve the quality of care in South Australia
Here’s a look at the incredible people leading our Statewide Clinical Networks — the brains that drive the initiatives that have never been attempted before to advance healthcare for all South Australians.
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Measure what matters to create a culture of workplace wellbeing
Adopting a data driven approach is a critical to creating a culture of workplace wellbeing.
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Applying machine learning in our hospital system
Learn about how our Clinical Informatics team is addressing the challenges of harnessing complex and varied health data to optimise outcomes for specific health conditions.
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Our Statewide Patient Reported Measures (PRMs) Program to commence in late October with select services across South Australia
We are excited to announce the services we’ve partnered with for the first stage of the implementation of our Statewide Patient Reported Measures (PRM) Program, commencing in October 2023.
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Get ready for the next PRMs Research Symposium, focusing on the “Practicalities of PRMs”
We’ll be hosting our next Patient Reported Measures (PRMs) Research Collaborative Symposium on the 30th October 2023 at the SAHMRI auditorium. The theme of the event is ‘Practicalities of PRMs – Implementation, Collection Methods and Reporting’.
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We’ve launched South Australia’s Pain Research and Innovation Hub to enable the pain community to collaborate to improve care
South Australia’s Pain Research and Innovation Hub is an online collaboration tool to that highlights current and previous pain-related research and innovation projects allowing people to connect with others working on similar projects.
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