Young South Australians with complex chronic health problems share their experiences of transitioning care through the Health Journey Mapping Project
We’re engaging with the young people with chronic health problems and their families to allow them a voice and to be involved in decisions and suggest solutions about the issues that affect them.
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Meet the members of our Youth Advisory Group
Newly established, the Youth Advisory Group aims to represent the voice and interest of young people engaged with South Australian healthcare services.
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SCOPES project secures $3 million grant funding to develop digital colonoscopy surveillance program
This project will develop, validate and implement a digital intervention surveillance program to manage the growing demand for colonoscopies, while establishing a data registry for future cancer research.
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Apply now for the Certified Health Informatician Australasia (CHIA)
We’re excited to sponsor a group of employees from the public and private health sector in South Australia to become ‘CHIA’ certified in health informatics in 2023.
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Improving the digital capability of health workers
Testing and refining the draft Australian Digital Health Capability Framework and practical tools for health workers across all roles to enable digital tools to be leveraged for better health care and health outcomes.
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Empowering digital and health informatics leaders through CHIA certification
This self-guided study program empowers digital and health informatics leaders by providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement new technologies and processes in healthcare.
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