Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health


Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network Culture Change Lab

The CEIH has been work­ing with the Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Net­work (BHFL­HN) to co-design inter­ven­tions that will result in mean­ing­ful, effec­tive and mea­sur­able cul­ture change with­in the BHFLHN.

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PRMs Research Grant update

The con­sumer-led research team has kicked off with a great start, work­ing togeth­er on pre-plan­ning and prepa­ra­tions for recruit­ment to the study in patient report­ed measures.

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PRMs Research Collaborative update

The CEIH and Health Trans­la­tion SA part­nered to estab­lish the Patient Report­ed Mea­sures Research Col­lab­o­ra­tive, to improve patient out­comes and accel­er­ate the capac­i­ty to improve health­care and the health of all South Australians.

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Patient Reported Measures Research Collaborative

The CEIH and Health Trans­la­tion SA (HTSA) part­nered to estab­lish the Patient Report­ed Mea­sures (PRMs) Research Col­lab­o­ra­tive to dri­ve PRMs research and excel­lence in South Australia.

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Identifying emergency surgery capacity and demand

The CEIH is work­ing with Local Hos­pi­tal Net­works to address the dis­crepen­cy between capac­i­ty and demand for pub­lic hos­pi­tal emer­gency surgery.

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Statewide Clinical Network Conversation Series

We’re launch­ing our new Statewide Clin­i­cal Net­work Con­ver­sa­tion Series, where you’ll hear from Clin­i­cal Leads on the lat­est project updates and achieve­ments from the Statewide Clin­i­cal Networks.

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