Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Our partners

Partnerships help shift the system and transform great ideas and consumer needs into innovative and sustainable solutions for improved healthcare.

Our part­ners

Health Trans­la­tion SA (HTSA)

CEIH and HTSA share a pur­pose­ful part­ner­ship to accel­er­ate research find­ings into prac­tice and embed high qual­i­ty research trans­la­tion activ­i­ties through­out the health­care sys­tem to improve patient care and health outcomes. 

Work with HTSA includes a num­ber of flag­ship projects such as the Patient Report­ed Mea­sures Research Col­lab­o­ra­tive.

To learn more about Health Trans­la­tion SA, vis­it the HTSA web­site.

Statewide Vir­tu­al Care Service

The CEIH Urgent Care team and the oper­a­tional clin­i­cal leads in the South Aus­tralian Vir­tu­al Care Ser­vice (SAVCS) have worked togeth­er since ear­ly 2022. This has includ­ed CEIH’s sup­port of the ini­tial estab­lish­ment of the SAVCS with high lev­el analy­sis, ser­vice mod­el devel­op­ment and clin­i­cian engage­ment. The SAVCS are work­ing to sup­port a new vir­tu­al care ser­vice to improve access to health­care across the state. As the ini­tial estab­lish­ment work has been com­plet­ed the part­ner­ship is now work­ing to max­imise the pos­i­tive and pro­gres­sive oppor­tu­ni­ties to improve vir­tu­al equi­table access to health­care ser­vices, with a focus on longer term sus­tain­abil­i­ty patient cen­tred care. 

To read more the SAVCS, vis­it the SA Health web­site.

Abo­rig­i­nal Health

CEIH’s col­lab­o­ra­tion with Abo­rig­i­nal Health in the Depart­ment for Health and Well­be­ing aims to strength­en the use of data and ana­lyt­ics, and dig­i­tal solu­tions to bring a stronger Abo­rig­i­nal Lens to health sys­tem per­for­mance, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the con­text of con­ti­nu­ity of care across the health system. 

To learn more about Abo­rig­i­nal Health, vis­it the SA Health web­site.

Northern Adelaide Health and Wellbeing Partnership Logo

North­ern Ade­laide Well­be­ing Partnership

The mul­ti-agency part­ner­ship involv­ing Fed­er­al, State, local, research and pri­vate organ­i­sa­tions is con­tribut­ing to cre­at­ing a pros­per­ous and thriv­ing com­mu­ni­ty in the North. 

By work­ing togeth­er, CEIH and the part­ners’ col­lec­tive strengths in health, edu­ca­tion, and trans­la­tion­al research can be har­nessed to sup­port sus­tain­able health and well­be­ing and eco­nom­ic out­comes for the north­ern Ade­laide community. 

CFI Logo

Car­ing Futures Insti­tute (CFI)

Car­ing Futures Insti­tute (CFI) is Australia’s first ful­ly ded­i­cat­ed research cen­tre for the study of self-care and car­ing solu­tions across the population’s lifes­pan lead­ing to bet­ter lives, bet­ter com­mu­ni­ties, bet­ter care and bet­ter sys­tems. Lever­ag­ing the strengths of both CFI and CEIH, this part­ner­ship aims to iden­ti­fy how to best to sup­port a learn­ing health sys­tem, enhance clin­i­cal lead­er­ship and improve health sys­tem navigation.

To learn more about CFI, vis­it Car­ing Futures Insti­tute — Flinders Uni­ver­si­ty.

Dig­i­tal Health SA (DHSA)

Dig­i­tal Health SA (DHSA) is the agency respon­si­ble for pro­vi­sion and sup­port of infor­ma­tion com­mu­ni­ca­tions tech­nol­o­gy (ICT) sys­tems and the under­pin­ning tech­nol­o­gy strat­e­gy across SA Health. DHSA and CEIH have a strong his­to­ry of col­lab­o­ra­tion to build upon and strong align­ment of our val­ues, respec­tive skill sets and mutu­al inter­est in sup­port­ing SA Health to deliv­er world class health out­comes through dig­i­tal­ly enabled care for all South Aus­tralians. Togeth­er we are excit­ed about work­ing togeth­er to har­ness the pow­er of data and inno­va­tion to dri­ve sys­tem success.