We’ve formally partnered with Digital Health SA (DHSA) to drive digital innovation in South Australian healthcare
We’ve strengthened our on-going collaboration with DHSA through a formal partnership agreement.
Read the full storyPartnerships help shift the system and transform great ideas and consumer needs into innovative and sustainable solutions for improved healthcare.
CEIH and HTSA share a purposeful partnership to accelerate research findings into practice and embed high quality research translation activities throughout the healthcare system to improve patient care and health outcomes.
Work with HTSA includes a number of flagship projects such as the Patient Reported Measures Research Collaborative.
To learn more about Health Translation SA, visit the HTSA website.
The CEIH Urgent Care team and the operational clinical leads in the South Australian Virtual Care Service (SAVCS) have worked together since early 2022. This has included CEIH’s support of the initial establishment of the SAVCS with high level analysis, service model development and clinician engagement. The SAVCS are working to support a new virtual care service to improve access to healthcare across the state. As the initial establishment work has been completed the partnership is now working to maximise the positive and progressive opportunities to improve virtual equitable access to healthcare services, with a focus on longer term sustainability patient centred care.
To read more the SAVCS, visit the SA Health website.
CEIH’s collaboration with Aboriginal Health in the Department for Health and Wellbeing aims to strengthen the use of data and analytics, and digital solutions to bring a stronger Aboriginal Lens to health system performance, particularly in the context of continuity of care across the health system.
To learn more about Aboriginal Health, visit the SA Health website.
The multi-agency partnership involving Federal, State, local, research and private organisations is contributing to creating a prosperous and thriving community in the North.
By working together, CEIH and the partners’ collective strengths in health, education, and translational research can be harnessed to support sustainable health and wellbeing and economic outcomes for the northern Adelaide community.
Caring Futures Institute (CFI) is Australia’s first fully dedicated research centre for the study of self-care and caring solutions across the population’s lifespan leading to better lives, better communities, better care and better systems. Leveraging the strengths of both CFI and CEIH, this partnership aims to identify how to best to support a learning health system, enhance clinical leadership and improve health system navigation.
To learn more about CFI, visit Caring Futures Institute — Flinders University.
Digital Health SA (DHSA) is the agency responsible for provision and support of information communications technology (ICT) systems and the underpinning technology strategy across SA Health. DHSA and CEIH have a strong history of collaboration to build upon and strong alignment of our values, respective skill sets and mutual interest in supporting SA Health to deliver world class health outcomes through digitally enabled care for all South Australians. Together we are excited about working together to harness the power of data and innovation to drive system success.