Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health


We’ve launched South Australia’s Pain Research and Innovation Hub to enable the pain community to collaborate to improve care

South Aus­trali­a’s Pain Research and Inno­va­tion Hub is an online col­lab­o­ra­tion tool to that high­lights cur­rent and pre­vi­ous pain-relat­ed research and inno­va­tion projects allow­ing peo­ple to con­nect with oth­ers work­ing on sim­i­lar projects.

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Young South Australians with complex chronic health problems share their experiences of transitioning care through the Health Journey Mapping Project

We’re engag­ing with the young peo­ple with chron­ic health prob­lems and their fam­i­lies to allow them a voice and to be involved in deci­sions and sug­gest solu­tions about the issues that affect them.

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Meet the members of our Youth Advisory Group

New­ly estab­lished, the Youth Advi­so­ry Group aims to rep­re­sent the voice and inter­est of young peo­ple engaged with South Aus­tralian health­care services.

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SCOPES project secures $3 million grant funding to develop digital colonoscopy surveillance program

This project will devel­op, val­i­date and imple­ment a dig­i­tal inter­ven­tion sur­veil­lance pro­gram to man­age the grow­ing demand for colono­scopies, while estab­lish­ing a data reg­istry for future can­cer research.

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Apply now for the Certified Health Informatician Australasia (CHIA)

We’re excit­ed to spon­sor a group of employ­ees from the pub­lic and pri­vate health sec­tor in South Aus­tralia to become CHIA’ cer­ti­fied in health infor­mat­ics in 2023.

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Improving the digital capability of health workers

Test­ing and refin­ing the draft Aus­tralian Dig­i­tal Health Capa­bil­i­ty Frame­work and prac­ti­cal tools for health work­ers across all roles to enable dig­i­tal tools to be lever­aged for bet­ter health care and health outcomes.

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